“But seriously, my grandmother left me a lot more than her land and house when she died. It lets me do as I please… and that is a blessing.”
“And what pleases a bored, rich witch.”
I know I probably shouldn’t, but I say, “Four delightful werewolves.”
For a moment, I do consider leaning over and kissing him. This time, it’s the food, not the potential spectators that stop me.
And it’s probably a good thing.
I look up, a little confused at the tone in Anthony’s voice. Less confused by the glare he’s turned on Joshua.
“Hi Anthony,” I pause and ask a question I already know the answer to. “Have you met Joshua?”
Jaw set, Anthony finally peels his gaze away from the man beside me. “I have not.
“Anthony Wexxon, this is Joshua Dean.” I turn to Joshua, “Anthony runs a shop down the boardwalk where I purchase some of my supplies.”
When Anthony stiffens, I realize what he must think.
He’s not powerful enough to sense what Joshua is and unlike me, he didn’t grow up surrounded by those who could teach him what signs to recognize.
To Anthony, Joshua is just a normal man. One who knows I’m a witch.
But I’m not about to out any of the guys to someone who might try to exploit what they are… or worse, accidentally tell someone else about them who could do far worse.
“Joshua is working on the buoy installation.” I nod toward the fluttering plastic.
“I see.”
“And Scarlette was kind enough to bring me lunch today.”
Jaw flexing, Anthony’s gaze is cold.
I don’t need Anthony ruining this.
“Did you need something?”
When his attention snaps back to me, he smiles, looking a little sheepish and he angles himself in a way to cut Joshua out of the conversation.
“I had hoped to catch you. My new stock comes in tonight and I thought you’d like to go through it with me. I can open a bottle of wine we might…
He lets the end of that sentence linger suggestively. And I consider pretending I’ve misunderstood him. Making a joke about not working for him would only prolong this ridiculous display.
“I would have thought it was obvious that my time is accounted for right now.”
When he doesn’t look like he understands, I calmly, and firmly, say, “This is a date.”
Thankfully, a quick glance to my left shows me Joshua’s smiling.
“You can’t be serious.” Anthony sputters.
“I assure you I am.”
“With your lineage?” His words are almost a hiss, they’re such a sharp whisper. “Your family doesn’t want to see you with a normal human.”
I’m honestly shocked speechless.