Page 35 of Blue Moon Mistress

“Besides,” He draws back, licking his lips. “You have a lunch date, and I’m not going to let you miss it.”

“I do?”

“You do,” He tugs me to my feet. “Get yourself dressed. I packed you a picnic.”


The picnic wasa large green lunchbox with a thermos that set in the top, held in place by the handle.

And my date was a mildly confused carpenter.

He pulled his jacket on as he stepped out onto the boardwalk from the structure that currently used plastic sheeting as doors.

Eventually, it would house an old buoy. At the moment, Joshua and others were still finishing the structure and supports.

“What are you doing here?” he asks, a bright smile on his face.

“Johnny stole your lunch, repacked it, and sent me to share it with you.” I hold up the hard plastic stand-in for a basket. “I think he might be orchestrating dates for more of you than just himself.”

“For being an only child, he’s pretty great at sharing.” Joshua takes the box from me and nods toward the bench fifty feet down the boardwalk. “If we don’t go over there, the guys are definitely going to try to eavesdrop.”

I glance at the site and count five curious glances. “A teensy bit of privacy would be nice.

Joshua leads the way and lets me sit before opening up the box and setting the thermos aside.

“What is this?” I pull out the square tupperware with my name taped to the top and look at the contents.

“It’s a butternut and black bean quinoa.” Joshua says, shaking his head. “I think he made four different vegetarian recipes yesterday, trying to get it right.”

“That’s very sweet of him.”

“I think these sweet potato tortillas are for you.” Joshua hands me the small, flat bag and pops the lid on his lunch.

“What did he make you?”

“He didn’t. This is the Cuban sandwich I packed myself this morning.”

“He could have at least done something special.”

“Well, he sent you to me, so I’ve got no complaints.” His lips twist in a smile that makes me want to lean over and kiss him.

But not here. Not when I know there are at least spectators from the job site.

Not when Mrs. Miller and any of her knitting circle could be waiting to jump out and cry foul.

“I don’t think any of us have asked… are you a full-time witch?” Joshua’s words are quiet, no one will hear him, and he takes a bite of his sandwich, looking out over the gray harbor.


“Does something like that pay well?”

Chase might only know how to make pancakes, but Johnny… I get so distracted by the food that I have to mentally backtrack to what Joshua asked.

Luckily, with a mouth full of food, I have time to chew and think about how I should answer that… and the only conclusion I make is: truthfully.

“Not at all.” I have to laugh when his brows pinch and a worried scowl covers his face. “Luckily, an income has never been an issue. I happen to be gloriously independently wealthy.”

I say it with just enough mockery in my tone that he laughs.