Spell after spell, I compare the two books. Neither of my ancestors was kind enough to include an index.
A yawn racks me and I look at the clock.
It’s been hours… and the last of my tea tastes like the sweetest nectar.
But I still haven’t found the spell that matches. And I’m going to need more caffeine if I plan to do it.
“Everything okay?”
Chase’s words are quiet as he stands with me and I glance over my shoulder to where the other three are passed out on the livingroom furniture, the faint glow of the tree’s lights across them.
“Yeah, I just need a refill.”
He follows me to the kettle, leaning on the counter and watches as I set it to boil and prep the leaves.
“Find anything interesting yet?”
“Interesting, yes. Helpful… not so much.”
“Interesting?” He takes the tea jar from me and returns it to the shelf beside the refrigerator.
“Dad’s family was a distant branch of Renée’s family—”
“The head of your old coven.”
“The very one. So, some of the spells in this book are ones she would also have had from her family. And none of them are nice. There’s one in there that—if used correctly—can siphon a stronger witch’s power.”
“Seems dangerous.”
“It isn’t if you have no problem starting when that witch is a kid.”
He scowls and his eyes fall to my stomach. “There’s a whole host of things we’re going to have to protect her from that we haven’t even heard of yet, isn’t there.”
“Yes, but there are five of us. We’ll manage better than most.” I take his hand and brush a kiss over his knuckles. “And don’t forget… the wolves will protect her too.”
“Will they?”
I nod. “When she’s a few years old, the five of us can do another spell, and I can tether them to her as well. She’ll be the most well-protected child in the world.”
The kettle starts to chatter and I take it off the burner before it can wake the others… but I feel none of the steam’s heat.
Something cold and slithering washes over my skin and I take a deep breath, stumbling back from the stove.
The pull is strong.
But it’s not strong enough.
I draw in a breath. The air of my home filling me so that she cannot find space inside me.
Out in the dark of the window, I see the faint, vapor-like glow.
Aphrodite isn’t going to give up until she has me, or I drive her out completely.
“Are you okay?” Chase’s hand on my arm is the first warmth that returns to me.
“Yeah…” I take another long and deep breath. “I have to be incapacitated for Aphrodite Lourdes to get any true hold on me without celestial amplification.”
“Like the Yule sabbat?”