I stop by the door, turning back.
“She didn’t tell me what she was after, but…”
“But the blood connection let you see?”
“You didn’t tell me your boyfriend was a werewolf.”
I don’t need to handle him with kid gloves anymore. “What did she do, Anthony?”
“I think she took him. She wants to, at the very least. Him and his whole pack.”
And the house had been dark.
“She wants to hurt you, Scarlette.”
“Killing the men I love would certainly do that.”
I don’t stick around to see his reaction to that.
My shoes make too much noise as I run back to my car. The rain is too loud against the car’s roof when I start it.
Everything is too bright and dark all at once.
It’s not that late in the day, but this time of year, I’m already starting to lose the light.
And Ineedhelp.
The phone rings and rings. Finally it goes to her voicemail.
I shouldn’t leave a message.
There are rules.
Screw the rules.
“Mom. I don’t care if you haven’t believed me before now. I need you to listen to me and listen carefully. Aphrodite is working with blood magic. She is using her vampire friend and three very young witches as her blood sources and she has kidnapped my wolves. I don’t know what she is planning, but I need your help. You guys cut her loose. You need to take care of the mess it caused.”
I hang up before I say something else out of anger that can’t be taken back.
I slamthe car door shut and run up the stairs. Before I reach the door, a chill slicks over my skin.
Hands flat against the wood, I feel the cold of an empty and unprotected home.
A glance to the side shows me a pile of broken dirt near the corner of the house.
Anthony had said heavy and hard.
He hadn’t said anything about big.
And it would definitely take all five of them to pull a protective stone from the earth it was bound to.
That tiny sliver of hope that had lived inside of me fizzles… and dies. It’s not just paranoia.
Aphrodite has them.