“What is all this?” Thomas asks, picking up a handful of water with a jasmine flower floating on top amid a dozen lavender buds.
I close my eyes, leaning back against the warm stone. “Lavender and sprigs of rosemary and jasmine flowers.”
“Is this a ritual bath?” Chase sounds closer to me now.
I nod, the water lapping at my chin. “Salt and cedar and sage. And all the essentials to recharge under this full moon.”
“And this is what you do every full moon?”
“Now that I’m on my own, yes.” I let Chase pull me into his lap this time. “When you’re actually with a coven, sometimes you’re required to join other rituals.”
“I like you naked.” Chase whispers before pressing a kiss to the skin beneath my ear.
“Oh, those other rituals were often performed naked.”
Someone growls.
“But now that I’m a solitary witch—even if the coven still claims me—it’s highly unlikely I’ll participate in those ever again.”
“I happen to like this ritual…” Joshua’s laugh is languid.
“You’re welcome to join me in it anytime you want.”
“Do we have to wait for the full moon?”
Johnny slides next to us, and then his hand slides up my thigh. I twine my fingers in his when he gets too close and pull it up to my lips. “No more tonight.”
“Against the rules?” He asks, and I know he’s thinking it’s the location.
“No.” When they pout, I have to chuckle. “Aside from the fact I don’t want a rosemary twig to sneak its way up on in there…?”
“I mean, that’s definitely enough of a reason…”
“There’s only so much a woman can take. Give me a little time to recover, now, or I’m going to need alotmore later.”
“I guess we can control ourselves for the time being.”
They kiss me, passing me around the circle, never letting me linger too long, and the water isn’t the only thing that keeps me warm.
We watch as dawn breaks,and together, we drain an enormous pot of coffee.
They have to leave, and as much as I hate that they have to go… I have my fair share of things to sort out as well.
Chase grumbles and leans against me, inhaling deeply. “I could stay longer.”
“You could, but then you wouldn’t getanysleep and I’ve been told you’re a very grumpy old wolf when you’re sleep deprived.”
The sound he makes is only a confirmation of what Johnny told me.
“I might swing by this afternoon. I want to put a few more protection spells around your house.”
“It’s sweet that you want to keep us safe.”