Page 13 of Blue Moon Mistress

“Go play,” I say, needing them gone with as little explanation as possible.

The spirits that had once taken hold on full moons, run through their former bodies and out into the night.

The doors slam closed behind them.

Now’s the moment of truth. The point where I find out if they want to give me control…

I want it more than I thought I would.

And not for the reasons I expected.

Placing the chalice on the altar, I hurry to the tiny door set high in the mausoleum wall. It takes a heartbeat to open it. One more to retrieve the bottle of water resting in its protective cage beneath the full moon’s light.

I say a dozen words over it as I go back to the altar, and wash the last of the spell to ash, swirling the remains to a cement like consistency… and it’s done.

Then, there’s nothing in the room to distract me fromthem.

Men within the masks of wolves.

Very hairy men, but…

“Have you made up your minds about the third part of the spell?” I ask, stepping toward them, eyes traveling down Joshua’s very familiar body. “You’ve definitely got the ability.”

I pause in front of Joshua, meeting his eyes before I let my own travel down him, to his very hard, very large cock.

He doesn’t move, so I crook my finger and drag it up, along the underside of him. Biting my tongue as I smile at the way he twitches.

“Scarlette,” Joshua says my name with a warning growl, and they all flinch, startled by the word.

To be fair, I didn’t know they’d be able to talk in this form either. But it’s a delightful surprise.

“That’s not a yes, Joshua. I need you to assure me that you understand what this would be. It’s not a little fun in my greenhouse. Any and all of you who decide to partake of me tonight are signing a cosmic contract.”

“We discussed it.”

I don’t know how he makes those words into growls, but somehow, he manages it.


Johnny steps forward, pushing the other two to the side. “We’re all in.”

I don’t need to hide the smile now. If they think I’m self-satisfied, they’ll already know why. “Good.”

They crowd around me, Joshua growling something that makes me think this is a concentrated offensive. Makes me wonder if he had a plan coming into this and has set about orchestrating it.

If I was a more cautious witch, I’d probably be worried.

But I’m not a cautious witch.

Those witches wouldn’t be anywhere near werewolves on a full moon—especially one as powerful as this.

Joshua comes for me first. If I didn’t know what I do to him, it would feel like an attack.

Strong hands, sharp claws.

Clamped around my arms, he maneuvers me backward to the altar. My hips hit, and I keep my eyes locked with his as his pack run their hands over me, fingers hard pressure against my legs.

They lift me, and the room tilts a moment before my spine touches the soft fabric of the altar cloth.