Thomas comes in with a pile of logs in his arms. He’s the only one in the house fully clothed, but he doesn’t look upset about it.
“I want to keep you warm, so you never need to put on anything more substantial than that.”
“Silly me, and I thought it was so my toes didn’t freeze off.”
“We definitely don’t want that.”
“We haven’t really talked about tomorrow night.” Thomas says when he stands, brushing off his hands and turning to the rest of us.
“Not really, no.” I pause as Johnny and Chase come back to us… Johnny with a timer in his hand and an apron covering his front. “What did you do before last month?”
“We locked ourselves in the basement so we couldn’t hurt anyone.”
“No offense, but your basement didn’t look that sturdy.”
“You didn’t go into the other room. It was originally a dry cellar, I think? Made for storing cans and other things. But the walls are lined with metal, and the door is basically a hatch.”
“Once we had paws and claws, there was no way to unlock the door.”
“Well, you don’t have to lock yourself up this time.”
“We should… just in case.”
His wolf pushes at him and we all look at it, a little startled.
“I think that’s a no.” I say, watching it. The wolf sneezes, a silent but sharp shake of its head. “I think they want you to stay with me.”
“We don’t want to hurt you if something goes wrong.”
“You won’t. But I would guess the wolves want you with me so that you can pick up the slack. They’re the ones who will run amok, so you guys will just have to stick around to protect me.”
“Okay, so… whatwillhappen to us?”
“You’ll likely still have some of your animalistic urges.”
“Which ones? I’d rather not wind up naked in a field gnawing on a cow’s leg.”
“That shouldn’t happen. But that’s why I had Johnny brink all that meat.”
“Is that why you want us here one more night?”
“Oh, mine are largely selfish reasons.” I scratch his chin through the beard he’s grown in the few days he’s been here. “There are other urges I’d be happy to help with.”
They all perk up at that.
“And you can join me for one of my full moon rituals as well.”
“We liked the ritual last time.”
“That’s not what you’ve got in store this time.”
“Alright. Fine.”
The wolves stir, their movement catching through shafts of sunlight, but they don’t go to the front door, they stay close to their human counterparts… as if they need more protection than I do.
“Looks like we have a visitor.”
Leaving them all in the kitchen, I wrap my robe around me and go to see if it’s the sheriff, or someone more palatable.