Page 108 of Blue Moon Mistress

“Hi Elle.”

“Hey yourself.” She lets out a long sigh. “Your mom is so weird.”

“What did she do this time?”

“She’s put a gag order on me.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“She’s gone into ‘gotta hide it’ mode about your were-friends. And she’s made me swear on pain of death that I won’t say anything to anyone about them. As if I would.”

I make a noise of agreement, distracted as I pass the flashing lights of a patrol car, but it’s the local police, not the sheriff looking to plague someone else.

I hadn’t realized I’d crossed into the town’s borders yet.

“I want to meet them.” Elaria’s statement was firm enough it brought my full attention back to her… well, her and the road ahead of me.

“I’m sure you do.”

She lets the line go silent long enough I know she’s probably glaring at me through it. “You give me a day… or I’ll show up randomly.”

“Alright. I’ll figure out what’s going to work best and you can come scope them out.”


“I swear to Hecate.”

“Good.” She sounds pleased for the first time in the call. “Where are you driving to?”

“The guys’ house. They do game night on Wednesday… a ritual I think I’m going to enjoy a lot.” Missing it last week had been an odd disappointment.

“That’s nice.” There’s a wistfulness to her tone, but before I can ask her what’s up, she shakes it off and in a much too cheery voice says, “Well! You have fun. I will talk to you tomorrow. Don’t wear your vagina out too quickly!”

And she hangs up on me with a strangled laugh.

And when I pull up in front of the guys’ house, I’m still shaking my head.

Elaria’s sense of humor trends toward vulgar often enough, it’s brought down a few other gag orders from my mother.

The door opens before I can get out of my car, and the shadow there shifts from foot to foot.

I imagine the rain is the only reason he hasn’t come down the stairs to get me himself.

As soon as I’m close enough, Johnny reaches for me, pulling me to him and twirling me into the house. “Hello, wicked girl.”

“Hey yourself.” I kiss him and he holds onto me a little longer than necessary, kicking the door closed. “Anybody bite you at work this week?”

“Not yet.”

“I got bit yesterday.” Thomas watches us from the doorway to the living room, leaning against the frame.

“Sometimes, his job is more dangerous than mine.” Johnny takes my bag and spins me around, nudging me into Thomas’ arms and I’m off the ground again.

“Welcome back.” Thomas keeps me tight against him, holding me up so my feet dangle.

“You guys aren’t tired of me yet?”

“How could we ever get tired of you?”