We spent the rest of yesterday piled together. Languid lovemaking broken only by naps, delicious food, and trips to the bathroom.
I feel like I should be sore. But all I feel is… loved.
The sunlight might be warm through the window, but the wood floors are not. I shiver as I walk down the hall to the kitchen.
Chase is at the table, eating cold cereal, his focus on a beat up book I have to assume is the same one Johnny was reading. But he looks up at me with a smile when I come in and sets it down. The spine is so broken, it stays open to his page all on its own.
“Is that Johnny’s?”
“Yep. I try to steal them when he’s got about a chapter left so I can read it real quick and spoil it for him.”
“That’s rude.”
“But fun.”
“I’ll have to take your word for that.”
There’s a box of my tea on the counter beside a clean cup and spoon, and the kettle sits over a very low flame.
“What can I make you for breakfast?” Chase asks, sliding his hand around my waist and drawing me in for a kiss.
“I’ll be fine with cold cereal.”
“Well, we have sugar covered flakes, sugar covered squares, sugar covered rings, or… This weird stuff Johnny puts in his granola.” Chase holds up a box and shakes it.
The roughly drawn racoon mascot of the brand isn’t familiar, and the raisins in it make me shake my head.
“I’ll do the sugar flavored rings.” I say watching as he pulls out a bag of cereal from a pile of others in the cupboard over the refrigerator.
“Joshua got bananas and strawberries at the store yesterday, if you want to throw some of those on there too.” He pulls open the fridge and offers me a hallock of the bright red berries.
He pulls out a cutting board and starts slicing. “Don’t worry, I washed them earlier. We’ve seen way too many videos about worms in blackberries to ever consider diving straight in.”
The kettle screeches before I can respond to that. And when I’m done with my tea, Chase has more fruit than I need cut up.
He goes back to the table and puts the broken book on the chair beside him.
“It’s a quieter when there’s just one of you around.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No. It’s nice having these lulls in between the storm that is ‘all of you all of the time.’”
“I’m not going to lie, I like having you all to myself in the mornings.” His smile falters, just a little. “Thank you for fighting with your mom about our change years. Even if it was just about the spell.”
“Your wolves protect me. I protect you. It’s a nice little circle.”
“Is that all it is?”
“No.” I don’t remind him that it would be easier if thatwasall it was. “I happen to be very selfish and wanting to keep you is highly motivating.”
His lips offer a twitch of a smile, but he doesn’t say anything, he dips his head and nips at my shoulder.
“What are you up to today?”