This is its own sort of spell. Its own worship. I take Chase into my mouth as a benediction.
Everything about these men makes me want and I have to stop myself from trying to break the rules.
I take him as deeply as I can before pulling back and looking up at him as my tongue swirls over his tip.
“Good girl.” Chase’s hand tangles in my hair and I wiggle against the sensation, clenching my thighs together, but Joshua’s hand makes me flinch. A soft touch on my hip.
“None of that, Scarlette. Knees apart.”
The whimper that leaves my throat wraps around Chase’s cock, muted by that soft, slick skin.
“If you could see how much our little slut is dripping for your cock, Chase…”
Cold air brushing over me only makes it worse, and I take Chase faster, pressing deeper. But I have to come up for air.
Pulling back, I gasp and watch him, stroke himself as my chest heaves with each breath.
“Is there anything quite as sexy as blowjob smeared lipstick?”
“Yeah,” Thomas says, “Her face when she comes on one of our cocks.”
Johnny whispers something to Chase and Chase nods, spreading his arm over the sofa back.
I lick my lips as I watch Johnny stand and move behind me.
“Looks like you need a little help, wicked girl.” He brushes his thigh against my shoulder as he passes and slips his hands into my hair. “How about we see how much fun we can have?”
His fingers tighten to a fist, and he guides my head back down, but not far enough.
I’m only able to kiss Chase, to lick him when I’d rather suck.
When I pull against Johnny’s grip, it tightens and I whimper. “Please.”
My words are a whisper against Chase’s cock, the breath makes him twitch. And Johnny chuckles a moment before he presses me down, letting me have what I want.
It might look like Johnny’s the one guiding me, but he’s not forcing anything. At most, he’s holding my hair out of my face for the others to see.
“Fuck.” Chase says it in a long growl, somehow adding a few Hs to the word. “I’m going to come.”
Johnny’s lips are at my ear a moment later. “Are you ready to drink his come, wicked girl?”
I nod, the movement pressing him further into my mouth.
Johnny hums an agreement, his hand still tight in my hair, still setting the pace, and his other… He reaches beneath my chin and I feel the gentlest touch as his fingers coax Chase’s orgasm from him in hot spurts that fill my mouth.
“Don’t swallow Scarlette.” Joshua says. “We need proof or else you’ll have to wait and come back to him when he’s ready for you again.”
Johnny’s hand gentles and I pull back when Chase has stopped jerking underneath me.
“Let’s see it, wicked girl.”
I have absolutely no idea what I look like, other than a mess as I open my mouth and let Joshua see Chase’s come filling my mouth.
“Our wicked girl is being so good.” Johnny brushes his thumb over my lower lip.
Joshua’s smile is quick. “Swallow it for us, Scarlette. And then you’ll get another treat.”