Page 78 of Blue Moon Mistress

While Johnny checks on dinner, I go to the tablet on the counter and call my best friend as she requested.

“About time!” She says, her smile bright, a dash of blue food coloring stains her cheek.

“Hey, Elaria, what’s up?”

Her gaze moves past me. “Hel-lo.”

“If you’re nice, I’ll let you meet him, now, what’s up.”

“Uh, no. You’ve kept me waiting twenty-eight hours. I think I’m going to meet him first.”

I could argue with her, but Johnny has already started over to us, curiosity cocking his head to the side.

“Johnny, this is Elaria, my best friend. Elaria, Johnny.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” He says with a smile and a tiny wave.

“Johnny is making me dinner.”

“A kitchen witch?” Elaria asks, her eyes shifting to me with a sparkle that I know he won’t understand is teasing.

“Nope.” I look up at him and he shrugs. It’s permission, sort of. “He’s a werewolf.”

Elaria’s face goes completely blank, and then she drops her head back. “Oh, that explains so much.”

“Does it?”

“Your mom has been acting so weird. If you’re dating a werewolf, it’s not surprising.”

“Four of us.” Johnny says and my best friend’s eyes bulge.

But she laughs. “If you’re dating a pack of werewolves, she’s got more than enough reasons to act like the Earth has fallen out from under her feet. Lucky for her, you always know what you’re doing.”

There’s a question in that statement, but I ignore it. “Is that why you called? Mom’s acting weird?”

Johnny kisses me on the temple and goes back to the oven, checking on his puffs.

“Yeah. Remember those tarts? She completely forgot I made them for her. Which is impressive, considering she found those cherries that shouldn’t exist this time of year.”

“That is weird. She seemed like she’s got a lot on her mind.” Which reminds me. “Hey, since I have you on the phone… what can you tell me about Aphrodite Lourdes leaving the coven.”

Elaria snorts a laugh. “Speaking of people acting weird. She was trying to play with spellswayabove her skill level.”

“What kind of spells?”

“Mariah found an old grimoire filled with blood magic. And we both know how well that would go if someone like Aphrodite tried it. Hell, that kind of magic would consumeme.

“If she hadn’t left on her own, I have a feeling she would have been kicked out.”

“That would have been a struggle, with her mom in one of the voting seats.”

“She would have been the only one who voted to keep her. And I’m betting she knew it.”

“Thanks for the info.”

“Wait. Does that mean she’s down there?”

“Yeah. And I get the feeling she wants to start a coven of our own. She hasn’t said as much directly, but she mentioned an ‘opportunity.’”