Page 67 of Blue Moon Mistress

Chase picks up the phone from where it rests against my shoulder. “Enjoy the rest of your work day.”

I hear Johnny call him a bastard right before Chase hangs up and drops it back into the pillows.

He presses one more kiss to my neck. “I may fight them if any of them wants you to stay in their room next time.”

“How did you win that honor?”

He pulls on a pair of boxer briefs and stretches, cracking his spine in three places. “I’m the one who doesn’t have to leave the house this morning. None of us were going to wake you before you were ready.”

A quick glance around the room doesn’t show me the colors I’m looking for. Chase wears nothing but black.

“Did you leave my clothes in the living room?”

“Maybe,” His words are soft as they brush over my skin. “Maybe Thomas decided to hide them so you’d walk around the house for a few hours in one of our shirts again.”

“Johnny’s are the only ones that are long enough.”

“That’s why I stole one from his dresser on the way back in last night.” He picks up the black fabric slung over his desk chair and trails it over the top of my breasts. “Are you going to accuse us of being Neanderthals?”

“Why would I?” I snatch the fabric from his hands and wiggle it over my head. “When I can just call you beasts and cover so many different things?”

He smiles, his teeth sharp. “I’ll see what I can drum up for breakfast.”

He’s off the bed and out the door before I can tell him I’m getting up. And when the door closes behind him, I flop back into the pile of pillows and close my eyes.

It would be so easy to sink into the serenity of this bed and wait for him—or any of them—to return to me.

And that’s why I force my eyes open again and roll out of Chase’s bed.

Everything about the guys is too easy. Which means something is horribly wrong. I just have to figure out what it is.

But first… A trip to the bathroom.

My stomach growls too loudly when I step out into the cool hallway and head into the house in search of breakfast and my clothes.

The shirt hangs off me like an eighties era aerobics top. The design on it has started to crack and flake from wear and washing, but the logo for a band that plays regularly at the local dive Chase works at is still legible.

When I step into the kitchen, two heads turn, and Thomas lets out a low wolf whistle.

“Damn if I don’t like the way that looks.” Thomas comes to me, kissing me and sliding his hand under the t-shirt, over my ass. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

He jerks his head at Chase. “Did this guy actually let you get any sleep?”

“The four of you left me completely exhausted. I would probably have slept through a fire.”

“I am simultaneously smug and horrified.”

I glance around, noting Chase glaring into the fridge, but otherwise… “Just the three of us?”

I knew about Johnny, of course, but I had expected to see Joshua.

“They’ve already left. Pretty sure they drank a pot of coffee each before they went,andthey took full thermoses with them.”

“Now I feel bad.”

“Don’t.” Thomas brushes my hair back from my face. “They both loved last night.”