It’s full of precooked ground beef.
Snapping the lid closed again, I take it to the fridge and set it on an empty spot before pulling out the veggies Thomas had kindly bought.
“Come on, wicked girl,” Johnny says, holding out a hand to me. “Bring your carrots. I won, so I get to sit this one out.”
He shifts me to a more steady position and kisses my shoulder blade. “Unlike Thomas, I fully intend to distract you. So don’t plan on winning this round.”
And I don’t.
We move through Scrabble and a short course of Golf, Chase wins the first, Thomas the second.
And when I accuse “Miss Scarlet in the library with the lead pipe,” it’s my turn to win.
I move to Joshua’s lap without being prompted. “It only seems fair.”
The smile he wears tells me that was the whole point.
He’d been throwing games so, I’d choose him. I almost change my mind to punish him for that.
Instead, I get comfy and lose most rounds of Phase 10.
My phone lets out an indistinct burble, and I kiss Joshua on the cheek before walking across the room to where I’d left the thing.
The words that wait for me there aren’t ones I want to see.
Hey Scar, it’s Aphrodite! So glad I got to see you today. I would love to get together sometime soon to talk about an amazing opportunity I think you would excel at!
I stare at the words for a long moment.
There’s only a few options for how she got my phone number… but Anthony is definitely the most likely. If I thought it would do anything, I’d call him right now and read him the riot act. Instead, I ignore the text.
But before I can toss it back in my bag…
Seriously. Now that we’ve both ditched the strictures of that old girl’s club, we can make our own seats at the table.
That’s a big no thanks.
“You coming back to the table, or are we playing the next round without you?”
“I’ll be right there.”
Johnny joins me at the kitchen island, pouring himself another cup of root beer. “Someone trying to take your time away from us?”
He asks with the kind of smile that tells me it’s not said out of jealousy.
“An old acquaintance has moved to town and she’s somehow gotten my number.”
“Probably that Wexxon guy,” Joshua says as he shuffles.
“That was my thought too.”
Johnny waggles the two-liter of orange soda at me and I slide my still half full glass to him. “The kind of old acquaintance we should watch out for?” He asks.
“Maybe. My mom doesn’t seem to think it’s a coincidence, or something I need to worry about, but I’m not a fan.”
“Could she be the one who put that doll on the boardwalk.”
“Wait… there are creepy dolls?” Chase throws up his hands. “Why doesn’t anyone tell me anything?”