There’s no way in hell I’m giving either of them up.
It’s halfway to noon before I remember my tea.
The fact that it’s still hot…
I lay a feather in the book I’ve gotten part of the way through and pick up the steamy mug before wandering through the house.
“Did you make more—” The rest of the question dies on my lips as I step into my living room and see a fluffy green fir. “That wasn’t here when we woke up.”
Thomas pokes his head out from behind it. “Johnny got it from one of the nurseries all down by Roseburg.”
The enormous ball at the base, wrapped in burlap isn’t a normal component of the trees I’ve seen on TV. It acts like a table, so the tree itself is probably only five feet tall, but the top most branch, now holding a hammered bronze star, nearly touches the ceiling.
“Is it going to be okay in here?”
“We’ve done our research… And we knew you’d be able to help us if we made any small mistakes.”
He plugs a cord in and the thing glitters with hundreds of golden lights. “We figured we’d forgo most of the usual decorations this year… and when the worst of the chill passes, we can plant it out back… maybe start our own little forest.”
He brushes his hands off on the front of his jeans and picks his way back around the tree again.
It does look beautiful set in the corner, and it’s filled the house with the smell of the green chill of winter.
“If you hate it, we can take it back to the house in town.”
“No. I love it.” It’s another reminder that so much is going to change… and I want to enjoy every part of it.
“Does your emergence mean you’ve figured it out?”
“Sadly, it doesn’t.” I set the mug on the end table and wrap my arms around his neck. “I’m so used to drinking cold tea, when the cup was hot, I decided I needed to take a break to come out and thank you.”
“You’re welcome. It’s the very least I can do.” He lifts me up, brushing his lips over mine, but he doesn’t kiss me. “Any closer?”
I manage not to groan. “Only in that I can cross three more books off the list of things that might be helpful. Ireallydon’t want to get my mother involved.”
He hums in a sort of absent agreement. “Well, I think your tea is going to get cold after all.”
“Do you?”
Nodding, this time, he does kiss me. “I think you need to get your mind off it. Reset. And we all know the easiest way to accomplish that…”
“It’s my favorite way.”
“Mine too.”
He walks me backward, lips never leaving mine as he slides my cardigan from my shoulders and starts on the buttons of my shirt.
I’m starting to question if I should even bother getting dressed anymore.
But two can play that game.
By the time he lifts me into my bed, our clothes are strewn along the floor like breadcrumbs throughout the house.
“How,” he asks as he trails kisses down my chest—down my stomach. “Did we get so fucking lucky?”
“Deal with the devil?” I suggest it even though I know thosealwaysend badly.
“Maybe it’s one of your goddesses, trying to make up for the curse we’re all under.”