Salt. Pepper. And I light the rosemary on fire.
“I’m starting to think you’re a pyromaniac.” Johnny watches me from where he leans on the jamb.
“It’s not about the fire,” I say before blowing it out. “It’s about the smoke.”
Guiding the smoke over the meat, I say the words so quietly, I know he can’t understand them.
As soon as I toss the sprig into the sink, Johnny stumbles in and takes hold of my waist, snuggling his face against my neck. “How long were you gone?”
“Not long. A little over an hour.” I set the tongs down and turn to him, pulling him close and trying to let my warmth seep into him. “There were a few things I had to deal with.”
“I was so tired, I couldn’t go find you, but I knew you were gone.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
He nods and kisses my forehead before looking down at the sheet pan of steaks.
“I feel like I could eat those raw.”
“Please don’t.”
“Don’t what?” Thomas shuffles in with the others close behind.
“Don’t eat raw meat when you’re human.” I grab Johnny’s hand before he can get to the steak he’s reaching for.
But when he quickly takes my hand, turning it so he can kiss my palm I have to shake my head at him. I should have known it was a ploy.
“Coffee?” Chase grumbles it and he crowds against my other side.
“Not yet. I have something I need you to drink first.” I point him toward the table. “Sit. Let me get these on the grill and then I’ll need about fifteen minutes.”
“I’ll take those,” Joshua lifts the pan away from me and I can see that it’s a strain, but I don’t try to stop him. I wait and I watch as he steps outside and checks the grill.
When it looks like he’ll be okay, I place my hand on Chase’s arm. “Will you keep an eye on him? I don’t want him to pass out into the flames.”
“Yeah. I got him.”
The kettle goes off then and I quickly drain it into the stock pot, with the rest of the water that was getting up to temp in there. I pour in cinnamon and clove to steep, adding black tea leaves, sugar, lemon and orange peels.
I whisper the words as I stir the brew counterclockwise and it bubbles as the timer ticks down.
It chirps about the same time Joshua comes back in, and I start to skim the debris from the now deep brown water.
“I don’t know what that is, but it smells delicious.”
Johnny is at my side again, and I don’t tell him to sit down. If he needs to keep a hold of me, I’m happy to let him.
“It’s a spice tea.”
“And it’s going to make us feel better.”
I nod as I pour a large measuring cup full of orange and lemon juices into the pot. One good stir and it’s ready to go.
I ladle it out, watching Joshua through the window, along with the rest of them.
“You each have to drink a full mug of this—careful it’s hot—before you can have any coffee. If you’re compelled to drink more, do. The spell knows how much you need.”
Joshua comes in with his pan full of steaks and I grab plates, shifting them over before grabbing the silverware and steak knives.