It’s my grandmother who stops him.
Eyes wide, he flinches to a frozen, statuesque stance.
“Holy…” Aphrodite’s vampire stares at us. “You’re—”
“Yes I am. Go now, before I make you regret every drop of blood you’ve ever tasted.
For a long moment I think he’ll challenge her, but a second later, he bolts through the trees.
Aphrodite is nowhere to be seen.
And the brief sense of the guys I’d felt has vanished with her.
The wolves though… The wolves felt them too.
They’ve abandoned me to go search for them. And I wouldn’t have wanted anything else.
Stretching, my grandmother’s bones pop and crack and in the end, she sits on her headstone.
“You grew up, cutie pie.”
“That’s how it works.”
She studies me for a moment too long.
“You’re not going to bite me, are you?”
Chuckling, she shakes her head. “I love you child, but your blood reeks of werewolf.”
“It does?”
She raises both brows and taps her nose.
“I could have picked out any man you’d had sex with, but them… You’re saturated in their scent.” She looks at me ascanse. “Taking on a whole werewolf pack would certainly be a handful.”
“They don’t change anymore.”
“Don’t they?”
“Last month was a Samhain blue moon.”
She looks up at me, something like admiration in her eyes.
“But I might not have them for much longer if Aphrodite gets her way. She kidnapped them, and now that you’ve bitten her, I imagine she’s desperate.”
“Blood magic can make you feel that way, certainly.”
“Is that what happened to you?”
She scowls, looking down at the grave. “That is a story that will take too long to explain in full. And we need to do some spelling if we’re going to find your lovers in time.
“Will your magic work the same way now that you’re…?”
“A blood sucker? Yes.” She looks down at her blood drenched fingers. “I was trying to help a friend. Blood magic and vampirism… they go hand in hand, don’t they? So I pushed a little harder than I probably ought to have.”
“Mom said you were going to California on vacation.”
“She always did like to lie to you. I went to find answers. The hive of vampires I found though… they didn’t want to give them.”