Page 114 of Blue Moon Mistress

Thomas shoulders his way between Johnny and me and picks me up to carry me back into the living room. “Even if she wasn’t a righteous bitch, she’d have at least four people ahead of her for that title.”

It takes a little while, but Joshua comes back to us.

“Her ‘canning’ room is a mess, but even with that thing going off like a rocket, nothing seems like it’s going to be too hard to fix. And the window and walls are all intact. That was all I cared about.”

I reach for him, dragging him back to us. “Hopefully no other bombs go off. I want your full and undivided attention.”


A warm andheavy arm rests over my hips as lips slowly coax me back to consciousness. I turn into him before I’ve opened my eyes and let Joshua play.

When he hikes my leg up over his hip and uses my openness to caress me, I finally let my eyes flutter open.

“What,” he asks as he brings one of my hands to his lips and kisses my knuckles. “Can we do to make this a regular thing?”

“You’ll have to come up with a schedule… equal division of labor.” I hum as if considering. “Or maybe we can pretend we’re all just horny teenagers and play spin the bottle every night.”

All it takes is a little nudge and I get him on his back, straddling him.

His headboard is a master class in fine detail. “Did you make the bed?”

“I did.”

“Is it sturdy?”

He looks up at it and his lips twist like he’s never considered it before… “If you want to try to break it, I can always make another one.”

“Next time.” I only have to rock back and I slide right onto him. His earlier attentions left me wet and wanting.

I move on him, letting my rhythm hit all the right places, and he sweeps his hands over me, fingers gripping my hips.

“We’re definitely not going to break it like this.” But the way he says it, I know it’s not a complaint.

Even still, I shush him, “There will be plenty of other opportunities.”

I don’t let him flip me over when he tries to gently change the course of this lovemaking. Instead, I let the roll of my hips and gravity do all the work.

The morning’s sun slants through the windows, turned a hazy orange by the curtains that are half open.

He takes my hands and lets me take my fill.

When I come, it’s in gentle waves of pleasure, and Joshua doesn’t try to flip me on my back afterward, he only changes the pace a little, and I have to dig my nails into his chest as he drags a second one out of me before I collapse against him, clenching around him in spasms as he pours into me.

“That’s the first time I think I’ve ever been able to describe an orgasm as ‘soft’.”

He draws circles over my back, even as I slip to my side, sliding him from my body and silently mourning the loss. “We plan to give you every kind.”

“We could stay in bed all day.” I stretch against him, knowing I shouldn’t tease him. “It’s Saturday…”

“Sure, but the others would accuse me of hogging you.” He turns me on my back and kisses a line down my sternum. “And who knows if you want something different for lunch, now that you’ve had me for breakfast.”

“I thought it was the big bad wolf that does the eating, not the helpless woman in the woods.”

“You’re far from helpless. But I’m happy to eat you… any time you want.”

He starts to slide down me and I grab his pillow, smacking him in the face with it. “Now youaretrying to hog me!”

All it takes is a quick roll and I’m out of his bed. I run across the small gap and shut the bathroom door between us.