“Lunch was excellent as always,”Annabel smiled as she walked towards Andrew. He and Ryan stood completely naked on the side of the pool. She stopped and crossed her arms. A smile spread across her face. They were all hers. “You two look good.”
“You’re beautiful,” Andrew murmured.
“I’ve never done this before,” Annabel confessed.
“Skinny dipping,” Ryan grinned. “You have a body made for it.”
“It’s freeing,” Annabel admitted. “You have good security here.”
“You’re safe,” Andrew assured.
She walked close to Ryan and caressed the hard muscles of his chest and abs. She traced a finger around the head of his cock. “You’re both standing at attention.”
“Do you want us to kneel?” Andrew asked.
“I want to play,” Annabel said. She leaned forward and took Ryan’s nipple in her mouth. She licked around the taut bud. She tugged lightly with her teeth. Ryan hummed his pleasure. She grinned as she stared up into his smiling face. Her hands rested on his chest. Delight and mischief played across her eyes as she pushed him backwards into the pool.
He yelped as he fell backwards. The water splashed and Annabel grinned. Andrew laughed as Ryan surfaced.
“You’re next you know,” Ryan spluttered as he stood brushing the hair back from his face.
“Do with me what you will,” Andrew whispered.
“I have plans for the two of you,” Annabel stepped closer to him. She reached around him and cupped his bum. She felt his muscles tighten and saw his pleasure. “I want to play, be silly, and just let go for a while.”
“Because you’ve always worked harder than everyone else,” Andrew guessed.
“You both take my breath away but I want there to be more than sex between us,” Annabel admitted.
“Then we should play,” Andrew tugged gently on her hair. “Do with me what you will, mistress. I’m at your mercy.”
Annabel laughed and pushed him in the pool. He waved as he fell backwards. He surfaced and stepped behind Ryan. Underwater he pinched Ryan’s bum. “I wanted to share,” he murmured. Ryan turned his head and their lips met. Annabel put her hand on her stomach. She felt her nipples tighten. The two men stared into each other’s eyes.
Ryan smiled and put his hands on Andrew’s face. “Are you trying to distract me?”
“Both of you,” Andrew said. “Too much stress lingers from the work week. Annabel, will you join us?”
“Depends,” she smiled.
“On what,” Ryan asked.
“Ryan’s answer,” she bit the inside of her lip so they didn’t see her uncertainty. “Do you want more between us then the amazing sex we have?”
“Yes,” Ryan didn’t hesitate.
Annabel grinned and nodded. She held up one finger. Walking back inside, she returned with a basket of condoms. They used them in the bedroom earlier. She wanted to play but they made her ache for more.
“I think we’ll have some sexy play, then some play, and then maybe some more sexy play,” Annabel said.
“Tell us what you want,” Andrew asked.
“I intend to, but first,” she set the basket in easy reach of the edge of the pool. Then she picked out two condoms before jumping into the pool. She cannonballed to splash the men. They laughed as she landed near them. As she surfaced, she slipped her hand up each of their cocks. “I want you both inside me. I need it.”
Andrew swallowed as he stepped closer to her. Ryan whooped and splashed water on all of them. “This is my fantasy,” Ryan confessed. “I’ve wanted both of you in my pool for weeks.”
“I plan to have both of you in several ways in this pool,” Annabel grinned at his joy. “Now, I know we’re doing the naked but for this next bit, you have to be covered.”
“Yes, mistress,” they grinned as they took the condoms from her.