Annabel went back to sipping her scotch. She watched as the server took the food to the couple. He grumbled until she told him to eat. Annabel liked how she took control and how he responded to her.
She thought,She’s half my age. Good grief. VanillaAnnabel shook her head.
Movement at the entrance of the bar caught her eye. Two tall handsome men strolled in while deep in conversation. Annabel felt her body react to their heads leaning close. She wanted to see them kiss. The thought of it made her gut tighten. She swallowed as they found a table. She heard their deep voices as they walked to a horseshoe booth.
No. I do this. They’re probably alpha male types.Annabel told herself. She sipped her scotch as she watched them discuss something on their phones. Tall, both over six feet.Most Eligible Bachelorsarticle from one of the magazines Charles always shoved at her. The magazine described Andrew Porter as ruggedly handsome. It fit. His blonde hair brushed his collar while his chest and arm muscles pushed against the buttondown shirt he wore. His blue eyes sparkled across the room when he glanced up at the server. At thirty three, he and his partner Ryan Miller ran a successful construction company. The magazine featured thirty five year old Ryan. Dressed in dark pants and purple shirt, his lean body made Annabel beg. She pictured Ryan on his knees in front of her while Andrew thrust into him. She swallowed and breathed deep. She wanted to grip his shaggy brown hair and watch his green eyes as he gazed up at her from a submissive position.
Annabel forced herself to turn away from them. Her visceral reaction to the two men surprised her. She wanted sex.No. I want the three of us to have sex. Fuck… that’s not vanilla.
Despite turning away from them, she watched as they drank and talked. She felt like a voyeur but she liked how they casually touched each other. Opening her purse, she pulled out her card. On the back she wrote her cell phone number. She tapped the card on the bar several times. She considered herself a take charge woman. She used her aggressiveness to succeed in business. The only area she lacked the take charge attitude was her love life.
The time honored tradition of a guy sending a woman a drink might fit here. Did she dare? Her stomach churned. She wanted to. She wanted to sit between those two men and make them do everything she wanted them to. Was she too controlling? What if they didn’t want to be together and submit to her?
I always know people. It’s my saving grace. Just go talk to them. Stop being shy.Annabel took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She put the card in her purse and turned. Normally, she’d go home and think about it.
She downed the last sip of her scotch and placed it in the bar. She put a tip with her glass and turned to leave. Time to go home and use her devices to take care of her own needs. Glancing into the mirror behind the bar, she saw the two men.
Slowly she walked from the bar to the table they sat at. Her heart raced and her stomach did flipflops but she focused on these two men. “Hello. I’m Annabel Rouch.” She stretched out her hand to Andrew.
“Andrew Porter,” he gripped her hand in his big one.
She saw his hand slapping Ryan’s tight muscular thigh. “Yes, I know.”
“Ryan Miller,” he murmured as she turned to him.
She liked standing over Ryan. His eyes swept up her body. Desire flitting in his intensely green eyes. “I know. I read about you in one of the magazines.”
Ryan flushed and his eyes flitted to Andrew. “Publicity is…”
“Necessary,” Annabel smiled. “I wanted to introduce myself. Your business sounded interesting.”
“Yeah? How so,” Andrew challenged her.
“Your story is similar to mine. If the magazine didn’t do a whitewash on it,” Annabel said.
“You’re an employment agency,” Andrew snorted.
“Don’t be so literal,” Annabel scolded him lightly. “You started your business young and kept at it until you have it where you want it.”
“You started young as well,” Ryan said. “I read about it in one of those magazines.”
“Publicity again,” Annabel glanced at her phone. “How many women have thrown themselves at you since the article came out?”
Andrew snorted, “If we answer honestly, we sound arrogant.”
“Too many,” Ryan said.
“Annoying,” Annabel said. “Have you taken advantage of all those offers?”
“No,” Andrew said. He glanced at Ryan who smirked a bit. “We have particular tastes when it comes to our relationships.”
“Do you? Care to share,” Annabel asked. Neither man asked her to join them or to sit. She pulled a chair from a nearby table to sit facing them. They watched her body as she moved. She saw heat in their eyes as she set her purse on the table.
“You’re bold,” Andrew noted.
“If I waited to be invited, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” Annabel smiled. “Does it bother you?”
Ryan leaned forward, “It’s unusual for a woman.”