Annabel said nothing but shrugged.
“You told me the three of you talked about how you wanted to be together. What makes you think that will change?”
“Isn’t this place all about finding more,” Annabel asked. “Isn’t that why they want to go? What am I not doing or giving them that they want to have more?”
“Huh. I’ve never seen you like this. No. I have. The last time I saw you like this was when your first husband beat the shit out of you and you spewed all this stupid shit about it being your fault for being more than him,” Charles said. “Who’s hurt you?”
“No one,” Annabel sighed. “Fuck. If I tell them my feelings, it gives them power over me.”
“No. Not over you,” Charles said. “Well yes with alphaholes it gives them power over but are Andrew and Ryan alphaholes?”
“No but I don’t want to lose them,” Annabel whispered.
“Wow… well the all powerful Annabel Rouch is too scared to take a risk. Pack it in folks. It’s time to close the doors.”
“I am not,” Annabel asserted but she wrapped her arms around herself. “Business is just business. This is personal.”
“Ahhh. Yeah, it sucks when you have to risk something important,” Charles rose and put his arms around her. “Do you see your life without them?”
“No. No, that’s what scares me,” Annabel whispered.
“Are they worth the personal risk you have to take?”
“Olivia and you are the only two I let in,” Annabel confessed. “Telling them how I feel means I have to let them in too.”
“It sure does. I get it. Assholes have banged up your heart but are Andrew and Ryan assholes?”
“No. They aren’t and I want them in my life. I want more.”
“Then get your ass home, change into your sexy Domme outfit, and go claim your men. The rest of the world can fuck off.”
Annabel sniffled and then laughed. “Can you get me a car this late in the game?”
“Already had one on standby,” Charles kissed her cheek. “Michael and I will enjoy the adult time. You go be fierce.”
“Ineed the perfect outfit,” Annabel stood in her closet wearing only a robe.
“You have to step outside your comfort zone, mom,” Olivia said. “Do you have sexy clothes you wear only for them?”
“Yes, but nothing I feel comfortable wearing outside our homes,” Annabel moved to the drawer with the sexy clothes.
“Tell me what you have?”
“I’ve got a black silk garter belt and silk stockings with a line up the back,” Annabel pulled them out.
“It’s a good start. You’ve got that bustier which makes your boobs look fabulous,” Olivia said. “Get those on and we’ll figure out what else to add.”
“Hold on,” Annabel donned the under things. “Underwear, or no?”
“No,” Olivia laughed. “In my closet, there’s a mini skirt. It’s black and tight. It will go great with the top.”
“It’s too short.” Annabel thought about how much of her body it showed off.
“Listen, you are very sexy,” Olivia said. “You done fucked up – right?”
“Don’t talk like that,” Annabel couldn’t help scolding her daughter as she wrapped herself in her robe and stalked across her apartment to her daughter’s room. “I’ve got it.”