Page 66 of Mine

“It’s got to fall under harassment,” Andrew said.

“Let’s just finish our meal and go,” Annabel said. “I’d say we shouldn’t let him spoil things but it’s too late.”

“Why are you reading his crap,”Andrew asked.

“Every time,” Ryan muttered. “Do you think it’s one of our people?”

“Let’s stop putting it in as an appointment with her,” Andrew said. “Maybe then people won’t know what we’re doing.”

“Class,” Ryan said. “I’ll put my time with her in as class.”

“Good idea,” Andrew said. “I’ll put mine in as gym.”

“We could switch it up,” Ryan suggested.

“Yes, otherwise people will figure it out. We also can’t change anything that’s currently on our schedule as her,” Andrew agreed. “Without upsetting Annabel, how do we get him to stop?”

“No idea,” Ryan said. “This is bullshit.”

“Agreed,” Andrew said. “He’s smart. He keeps it on the side of legal. He doesn’t quite slander her. He isn’t quite libelous in his statements but he insinuates a lot.”

“He targets specific people,” Ryan noted. “There’s a half dozen he does a smear job on regularly.”

“Do you think if we offered him money he’d stop,” Andrew asked.

“Not likely,” Ryan said. “He’s a bully. They stop when they want to.”

“A statement might gethim to back off,” Charles said.

“Doubtful,” Annabel said. “It’s better to just stay above his vitriol.”

“Maybe the three of you could donate to the same cause to throw out some good PR,” Charles said.

“I won’t commenting. No one needs to know about my sex life. I won’t release a statement. Why should I? Whose business is it if I have two lovers? No one’s.”

“I know you’re right but I hate seeing him rip you up this way,” Charles said.

“Our charity program is as public as it gets and I don’t know how Andrew or Ryan will feel about making our lives public.”

“Have you asked them,” Charles asked.

“How would that sound? Hey, this asshole is beating me up on his blog, can we please make a statement about how we’re living a polyamorous lifestyle? How does that sound to you?”

“Miserable. Have you told them how you feel?”

“I make arrangements and start to but then we get interrupted,” Annabel sighed. “Can we do some actual work? I’m over the personal crap.”

“Maybe you should tell them how you feel and then it won’t matter as much that you’re getting hammered by the weasel.”

“Let it go,” Annabel warned.

“Yes, ma’am,” Charles recognized her tone as having no more patience for the topic.

“I thoughtyou planned to tell them last week,” Olivia said.

“I did but then Gerry showed up,” Annabel admitted. “I had this whole thing planned and his arrival made us all tense and annoyed. They want me to fight back.”

“I’m on their team,” Olivia snorted. “You should fight back. Hey… there’s an idea. Who’s his biggest competitor? Go give that person an exclusive.”