Page 65 of Mine

“Is this about who says it first,” Charles asked. “Some sort of power trip?”

“I’m pretty sure I have to say it first,” Annabel said. “I’ll know their feelings when I do.”

“You’re just being chicken shit about confessing your feelings,” Charles said.

“People change when you start talking commitment,” Annabel said.

“Have you even told them you have feelings for them,” he asked.

“We talk around it all the time,” Annabel rolled her eyes.

“Are they talking around it because you’ve expressed an aversion to the big L?”

“Maybe,” Annabel shrugged.

“Hoist by your own petard.”

“I’ve set the boundaries but now I want to change them. What if they don’t?”

“Then they’ll tell you and the three of you will figure out the next step in your relationship,” Charles said. “You’ve always said you want honesty in a relationship. This is part of it.”

“Yeah. I know,” Annabel sighed. “No more Shakespeare for you.”

Charles leaned in and hugged her. “I love Shakespeare. I love you too. You’re my favorite sister. Tell them what you feel and see what they say.”


Gerald Montgomery strode into the restaurant. He met eyes with Annabel and nodded. She smiled and nodded back. “How does he always know.” Ryan saw Annabel’s smile go from genuine to stiff.

“Someone’s feeding him my schedule,” Annabel said.

“We can go,’ Andrew said.

“Then he wins,” Annabel said.

“It’s better than sitting here watching you calculating what each movement and gesture means,” Andrew said. “Why won’t you fight back?”

“Fighting isn’t always the answer,” Annabel closed her eyes. She wanted to walk over to the table and tip a pitcher of anything over Gerald Montgomery’s smug head.

“Laying down and letting him trash you isn’t either,” Andrew said. “We can put out a statement. We need to do something.”

“No. I won’t feed into his bull,” Annabel put a calming hand on his.

“He’s not the only one who feels this way,” Ryan said. “You know he’s recording.”

“He always does,” Annabel said.

“This makes eight days in a row,” Ryan said. “We’ve spoken to our staff and they aren’t sharing.”

“As far as you know,” Annabel said. “He pays well for tips. It’s how he’s become so big.”

“You think it’s someone on our staff,” Andrew frowned.

“No. I don’t mean that,” Annabel said. “I’m annoyed he’s here and spoiling another of our outings. Maybe it’s time for me to go into hiding again.”

“You can’t hide from him,” Ryan squeezed her hand.

“I’m tired of his harassment but my lawyers say if I try to get a restraining order, I’m not likely to get one,” Annabel said. “He’s not threatening me.”