“Prick asked for severance,” Annabel shook her head. “Where’s my wine? I want a large glass of wine and to spend some quiet time with people who don’t piss me off.”
“Oh? When do they arrive?” Olivia laughed as Ryan rose to pour a glass of wine.
“You’re still a teenager, you’re supposed to piss me off,” Annabel hugged Olivia.
“Who did you hire to do the decorating,” Olivia teased.
“These two did it,” Annabel leaned towards Ryan to brush her lips across his. “I didn’t have to think about anything.”
“It was fun,” Ryan said.
“He got to decorate two more trees,” Andrew laughed. “Made his week.”
“Olivia decorated her tree. I just helped.” Ryan shrugged at Andrew’s teasing.
“Presents. Let’s do presents,” Olivia demanded as she rose. “I’m starting. I’m the youngest and spoiled so you have to let me.” She grinned and laughed as they shrugged. Selecting three small presents, she handed one to each of them. “Before you open these, I know I’m being presumptuous here but I think these fit the three of you.”
Annabel opened the small box and gaped, “It’s beautiful. Did you make it?”
“I did,” Olivia bit her lip as she watched the two men stare at the box.
Andrew and Ryan saw matching necklaces. On the end, a triple spiral. “It’s a unique symbol.”
“It’s Celtic,” Olivia said. “I was doing a search on symbols and this one made me think of you. Three spirals all interconnected.”
“Which is sort of what the symbol means,” Annabel said.
“Sort of. It’s more big picture like eternity and cycles of life,” Olivia admitted. “I’m not pushing any of that. I just like how the three of you are together.”
“You made these?” Andrew took the necklace out and slipped it over his neck. “It’s beautiful work.”
“Thank you,” Olivia said. “I’ve seen you wear other chains and such.”
“You made this? Actually, like made it,” Ryan took it out and stared at the symbol. “It’s… I’m touched.”
“Great. Show me up,” Annabel said. “Now the tube socks I got them are going to be a real downer.”
“Mom,” Olivia rolled her eyes. “Do you like it?”
“It’s a perfect symbol of the three of us,” Annabel leaned over and hugged her daughter. She slipped the chain over her neck to match her men.
“Thank you.” Ryan and Andrew leaned to her and hugged her between them.
One by one they handed out gifts. Silly, sweet, fun gifts. Annabel sat back. She enjoyed the time the four of them spent together. She saw how Olivia enjoyed teasing Andrew and Ryan. She saw how the two of them weren’t quite sure how to handle her adult daughter but took it in stride.
Candles lit around the room. Music played softly. Laughter shared by the people she loved the most. She choked on her wine. Andrew turned, “You okay?”
Covering her mouth, she nodded, “Wrong tube.” When had her sexy time turned into feelings? She watched them and realized it was the first time since her first marriage she felt happy and content to be with people other than her daughter. Two of them. She loved two men.
Did they feel the same way?
Ryan leaned close, “Okay? You look a little baffled.”
“It’s the holidays,” she hugged him close. She needed to think about this.
Andrew stood in his foyer. “Do you think she’ll object?”