Page 52 of Mine

“Where do you spend the most of your time,” Charles asked.

“My place is closest to both of our businesses,” Annabel said. “But Ryan’s pool has some delicious options. We’ve been to Andrew’s a couple times but he’s pushed away from being there since it’s under construction.”

“But you plan to change that,” Charles said.

“You butt in a lot,” Annabel wrinkled her nose. “Yes, his house offers other sexually enticing things.”

“Do tell,” Charles grinned.

“No,” Annabel said. “Now what’s on the agenda for this morning?”

“You’re no fun,” Charles teased before launching into an outline of her morning meetings. They discussed the meetings and who she wanted in each one. She took the few folders and found the rest online. Ninety minutes later, Charles rose from the chair. “What will you do for Christmas?”

“Ugh,” Annabel said. “Ignore it if I can.”

“You have all your shopping done for Olivia,” Charles reminded her.

“I have one or two smaller things I want to get her,” Annabel waved him away. “Don’t spoil my mood with holiday talk.”

Charles laughed as he stepped back into his office.


“You don’t want to exchange gifts,” Andrew frowned.

“We can if you want,” Annabel said. “I’ve received so many bad gifts, I don’t like…”

“We’re being judged based on previous lovers,” Ryan muttered.

“Yes, I guess you are,” Annabel said.

“We don’t have to celebrate a religious holiday,” Andrew said. “But you’re getting gifts for Olivia.”

“I have gifts for her. We do a tree. She likes it. I have someone in to put up a tree and we hang ornaments,” Annabel wrinkled her nose.

“May we put up the tree? I love putting up trees and decorating them,” Ryan admitted.

“He does several in our offices and at his home,” Andrew smiled. “Last year he did themes on comic books in his house.”

They watched her face. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I’ve had so many bad holidays. Olivia understands as she’s seen them.”

“You can be as grumpy about the holiday as you want,” Andrew shifted closer and wrapped his arm around her.

“One tree,” Ryan said. “Over in the corner by the fireplace.”

“Lights,” Annabel said. “I like lights.”

“We can do lights everywhere,” Ryan knelt on the sofa next to her. “Annabel?”

“Yes, but do it while I’m not here,” she acquiesced. “Olivia will love it. No decorating the tree.”

“You have a tradition,” Andrew said.

“She and I do it on Christmas Eve,” Annabel said. “She’s already asked if you’ll join us so I hope you will.”

“We’ll be here,” Andrew said. “Now about gifts. How about little things? Nothing over fifty?”

“I’m buying you ugly holiday sweaters,” Annabel threatened.