Page 50 of Mine

Ryan and Andrewrode the elevator up to Annabel’s place. “How are we handling this,” Ryan asked again.

“By ear,” Andrew reminded him. “We can’t plan a strategy. We have to see how she takes us and how the two of them behave together.”

“This is a big step,” Ryan adjusted the bags of groceries.

“It’s a holiday weekend,” Andrew muttered. “I don’t know if this is a test or if it’s a casual thing.”

“What if she hates us,” Ryan asked.

“Annabel will drop us,” Andrew said. “I don’t know for sure but I think she’ll put her daughter before us.”

“As she should I guess but I don’t want to lose her.”

“No, I don’t either. Hopefully, she’s like Annabel and we’ll get along,” Andrew said.

“We’re not daddy,” Ryan scowled.

“Definitely not,” Andrew said. “We’ll take our lead from her. We’ll let her tell us what role she wants us to take.”

“Makes sense,” Ryan turned to Andrew and buttoned a button on his shirt.

“You look great,” Andrew smiled and put his arm around him. “It will be all right.”

They stepped out of the elevator and stood in front of the door. Andrew tapped in the code and they walked in. Calling out, he said, “Hey, we’re here!”

“Hey,” Olivia rose from the sofa in the living room. Her eyes swept over the two men who stepped nervously into her home. “Mom’s changing clothes.”

“I’m Andrew,” he introduced himself and moved to the kitchen.

“You’re cooking. I’m impressed already,” Olivia said. “I hate cooking. This means you’re Ryan.”

“Yes,” Ryan swallowed and hesitated before he followed Andrew.

“Mom talks about you all the time,” Olivia said as she took one of the stools by the breakfast bar.

“She’s a special woman,” Ryan started unloading the bags he carried.

“I know,” Olivia said. She glanced towards Annabel’s bedroom. “Mom will kill me for saying this. You hurt her, I’ll make it my life to hurt you worse.”

“I’ve heard your mother threaten people,” Ryan snorted. “You need to put more ooomfff in it.”

“You don’t think I’m serious,” Olivia raised her eyebrow just like Annabel did when she challenged them.

“Oh, we know you’re serious,” Andrew smiled. “You don’t quite have the power your mother does.”

“Yeah, I know but you should know, I mean it,” Olivia smiled.

“We will do our best not to hurt her,” Ryan laid a hand over hers.

“Good. What are we eating tonight? I’m starving,” Olivia said.

“We brought… hmmmm,” Andrew shifted his gaze from Olivia to Annabel. His eyes widened with pleasure and his mouth smiled on seeing her.

Annabel swept into the kitchen. She pulled Ryan to her for a long warm kiss. “Hi,” she murmured softly.

She moved from Ryan who couldn’t take his eyes off her to Andrew. He lowered his head to meet her lips. She cupped his cheeks and smiled before her lips captured his and demanded attention. “Hi.”

Olivia grinned, “Do I need a bucket of cold water?”