“Are you twelve,” she smiled. “I appreciate it. I’ve already given Olivia a heads up. So, it won’t surprise her.”
“The video shows three adults having a meal together what does he see in it,” Charles complained. “I’ll get PR on this.”
“If we respond, it gives him power over and knowledge he hit a sore spot.”
“You always say that,” Charles said. “Our PR experts would like a chance to defend you.”
“I don’t need defending against toads like that,” Annabel shifted her gaze from the spreadsheet she read to Charles. “I appreciate it. I really do but if I react in anyway, he’ll blow it up bigger.”
“Maybe we have some announcements we could push out,” Charles suggested. “Donations?”
“Not today or even this week,” Annabel shook her head. “It’s them being alphaholes and I’m not willing to respond to them.”
“Next week,” Charles asked.
“Check with PR and see what they have,” Annabel said. “This type of thing doesn’t hurt the business.”
“But it hurts your heart,” Charles hit the nail on the head.
“Maybe,” Annabel closed her eyes. “Okay. Yes. But last night after the bastard showed up and ruined my night, Andrew and Ryan were so...”
“It was a good night,” Charles finished for her.
“It was an excellent night,” Annabel said.
“Are you falling in love,” Charles asked.
“Can I fall in love with two men?”
“Good question. Here’s another... would you want either of them to go away?”
“No.” Alarm jolted through her as she considered not having them in her life. “It’s all new. I don’t want to spoil it.”
“Winter holidays are coming up,” Charles said. “Will you invite them to meet Olivia?”
“Livi and I will talk about it this week,” Annabel bit her lip.
“You do want them to meet her, don’t you?”
“I do but if they hate each other, do I walk away? I’ve always put Livi first.”
“You can’t let it hinge on one meeting,” Charles said. “Do a short meeting and then something longer.”
“Like have them join us for an hour of appetizers or something,” Annabel asked.
“Yes, she knows you’re living an alternate lifestyle. Do you think she’ll disapprove?”
“She’s the one who helped me pick an outfit the first time we got together. And many times since. She knows. I don’t hide things from her.”
“Mostly,” Charles tipped his head.
“She was a child,” Annabel said.
“Yeah. I’m glad you got rid of that husband. Huh. You got a delivery. Be right back.” He set his tablet on her desk and walked out to his office. Annabel saw a message from his assistant on his tablet.