Page 33 of Mine

“Have you ever felt that way before?” Olivia stopped painting her toes and watched her mother.

“Never. The things we do… don’t worry I’m not describing,” Annabel laughed.

“Probably a good thing. I’m glad you’re enjoying,” Olivia said.

“What about you? Have you met anyone?”

“Not really. I do not want to follow in you and dad’s footsteps,” Olivia said. “I know you met first year in college and never looked back.”

“Those were the good years,” Annabel sighed. “How are classes going?”

Olivia smiled, “I want regular updates on your men. I’ll tell you all about classes but you must keep me updated on your new lovers.”

Annabel bit her lip and then laughed. “Deal. Now classes?”

Annabel turned into the driveway,stopped at the gate, and gave her name. The gate swung open and she drove through. For six weeks, she, Andrew and Ryan met at various places. She never allowed them at her office but she wanted them there. This was her first time visiting Ryan’s place. She felt a little nervous. There were times they were just together but the sex was almost daily. She wanted it daily and wanted them more than once a day. She knew people who said as women age, they don’t want sex as much but this was not the case with her two guys.

She wound up his tree lined drive to a mansion. She wondered what he did with all the rooms. The house sported sleek lines and muted colors but there were touches of whimsy. She stepped up to the double front doors which swung open. Ryan strolled out with Andrew a few steps behind him.

“Welcome,” Ryan wrapped his arms around her. His lips brushed across hers and back several times.

She raised her eyebrows but allowed him to hold her close. “You’re excited.”

“Happy to have you here,” he confessed as he stepped back.

“May I,” Andrew asked.

She stepped into him, gripped his hands, and pressed against him. “He’s being forward but I think I’ll allow it this time.”

“No punishment for him,” Andrew leaned down to meet her mouth. They lingered for moments.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Annabel reached out a hand to Ryan. “He might need a lesson or two in being submissive.”

“Yes,” Ryan stepped into their embrace. “Andrew cooked again.”

“Did he fuss,” Annabel asked.

“I don’t fuss,” Andrew denied.

She slid her hand down and cupped his tight bum. “You do and I like it.”

“Oh. I… hmmm,” he paused. “When you say fuss what do you mean?”

“You worry about whether I’ll like what you’re fixing,” Annabel leaned into him. “You think about the details and you pay attention to what I mention.”

“What’s the point in doing it, if you won’t like it?” Andrew enjoyed the feel of both Annabel’s and Ryan’s body against his.

“A good question,” Annabel said. “I have to make a confession.”

“What?” Ryan leaned closer pressing closer to them.

“I like this,” she said. “I know we were together last night at my place, but this, touching and holding makes my day. Not only do I want both of you every day but I want to be with you daily.”

Andrew swallowed and Ryan tightened his arms around them. “I feel the same,” Andrew pressed his cheek to the top of her head.

“Damn straight,” Ryan agreed.

“We’re all on the same page,” she asked. When they nodded, she smiled, “Now we have the weekend for uninterrupted time together. Let’s enjoy it.”