Page 31 of Mine

She split her legs to pull him close. “Give me your eyes,” she held him close to her. “Ryan. Gently.”

“Yes,” Ryan moved behind Andrew and spread his butt cheeks. He slid slowly in.

Andrew grunted and groaned. He closed his eyes and scrunched his face. Annabel was about to call a halt when he said, “More. Jeez. I... Ryan, please more.”

Ryan thrust in. Annabel watched and gasped as her men fucked each other and her. Ryan rubbed his hand around Andrew’s balls as he thrust. With each thrust, he took more control. The delight on his face radiated out to the two he controlled.

In and out, Andrew rubbed against Annabel who watched and grabbed Andrew’s cock. In and out, Ryan sped up and took them all into a state of euphoria. Sensations rippled amongst them as bodies rubbed and moved. Gasps and moans filled the office.

“Finish us,” Annabel demanded on a gasp. “Make us all cum. Do it.”

Her orders spurred him to jerk harder and harder. He felt his cock throbbing and hoped they were close because he felt tingling everywhere.

“I’m coming,” Andrew growled. “One more. Oh yes. Oh fuck. Yes.”

Ryan thrust and held as he jerked his climax.

Panting, Annabel came with such fierceness she couldn’t speak or breathe. She felt so complete and so powerful. Andrew lay between them as they caught their breath. She brushed the hair out of his face.

“Will we enjoy this position again,” Annabel asked him.

Slowly he opened his eyes, “I hope so.”

“Soon. Very soon,” Ryan murmured. He leaned forward to kiss Annabel and Andrew.

We have a business meeting at Lonna’s tonight. We should be done by 9.

Andrew wroteand rewrote the text.

“Why are you rewriting it,” Ryan grinned.

“I want her to join us but I don’t want it to sound like a demand,” Andrew murmured as they sat in a production meeting late afternoon.

“You’re overthinking it,” Ryan said.

Andrew stared at his phone. He added,

Would you join us?

“Send it,” Ryan said as he watched their property managers file in.

Andrew scowled but sent the message.

Annabel left them two hours ago and he wanted to be with her again. He ached for her to order him to do anything. He wanted to see what she demanded next. He’d do anything. He scowled at the managers which made them fidget in their seats.

Ryan grinned knowing the affect Andrew had on the property managers. “Let’s get down to business. Who wants to start?”

Silence met them, people looked anywhere but at them. Frank Overton, a property manager who started with them, spoke up, “Andrew whatever stick’s up your ass, pull it out and let’s get down to business.”

Andrew smirked, “Maybe I like the stick exactly where it is. But all right Frank, tell me about your numbers. They’re down this quarter.”

“Fuck right they are and let me tell you why,” Frank grinned.

Ryan wondered what Frank would say if he understood exactly what Andrew meant. He leaned forward and tucked his chin to hide his smile.

Annabel staredat the two pictures and frowned.

“Has your good mood fizzled,” Charles asked.