And that's the end of our conversation. She leaves without another word. I watch her statuesque body glide along the floor, the elegant movements a part of her nature after thirty years in the fashion industry, and wonder how I will adjust to life with a family that refuses to acknowledge their emotions. What might happen, I wonder, when all of those suppressed feelings come rushing to the surface?
I think it’s time I got to the root of the sickness plaguing this family.
“So you want me to stop looking into your sister’s disappearance and do a background check on your employers instead?”
Sean’s surprise is understandable. After pressuring him to continue his investigation into Annie’s background only a few days ago, I’m not asking him to put that investigation on hold so he can find answers about the Jensens.
“I know it seems unusual.”
“It seems nosy. Why are you trying to dig up skeletons in the Jensens’ closet? I told you when they first reached out to you that they didn’t have any. Do you honestly think that after three different families saw themselves facing murder charges from your investigations that a family with secrets would approach you to work for them?”
“They didn’t approach me directly,” I say, keeping my voice low so no one will eavesdrop on our phone conversation. “Frederick is an acquaintance of Robert Tyler. Mr. Tyler recommended me when he heard that Fred was looking for a caretaker for his children.”
“Let’s not quibble on the details,” Sean says.
“But it’s the details that matter the most,” I reply. “And it’s details I need from you. Specifically what Thomas Keller does for Frederick’s business.”
He pauses briefly. “So you don’t want me to look for criminal records on the family.”
“If I wanted that, I would just look through public records,” I tell him. “If there is crime in this household, we both know it’s not on record. What I want from you is information on Thomas Keller.”
“Why him specifically?”
“I don’t know. If I knew, then I wouldn’t ask you.”
Sean sighs heavily. “Mary, please tell meexactlywhat you want me to do. I can’t work with unclear instructions.”
“I would like you to look into Thomas Keller’s work with Jensen Wealth Management. Officially, he’s their estate manager, but he does work for the hedge fund on the side. I want to know what that work is and whether any of that work could be the cause of conflict within the family.”
“Because there is a wedge between Frederick and his wife, and I believe that wedge is also driving a wedge between the parents and their children. It’s my responsibility to care for these children, but I can’t care for them unless I know exactly what is hurting them.”
“That’s bullshit, and you know it. You don’t need to know what rules Jensen Wealth Management is breaking to know how to care for children. You’re just snooping.”
My face flames. “I never ‘just’ snoop, Sean. I assure you there is a reason for every decision I make. I am paying you a handsome some of money to work for me, and I would like you to use your talents to determine whether Thomas Keller is facilitating activities that could explain the conflict that is affecting this family.”
“So you want your suspicions of financial crimes confirmed?”
“Or proven to be invalid,” I say. “We’ll start there.”
“Should I increase your rate?”
He sighs again. “No, that’s all right. I’ll look into Keller.” Half to himself, he grumbles, “I didn’t imagine I’d end up being errand boy to a governess.”
“If you didn’t enjoy it at least a little bit, you’d quit,” I retort.
He hangs up, and I stifle a chuckle as I place my phone back in my handbag.
I head to the kitchen to make myself some lunch. The children have left with their mother, and since they neglected to tell me when they’d return, I’ll have to stay in the living area so I can be visibly available. I’ll have to set some expectations when it comes to my availability and the children’s schedule, but I’ll save that for later. I want to know a little more about the people I’m working for before I decide how many demands I can make.
I walk into the kitchen to find Sophie preparing sandwiches. Two sandwiches. She looks up when I walk in and says, “Ah! There you are. I figured you’d be hungry, so I made some sandwiches for us. Tea’s on the kettle. Earl Grey, I assume?”
I stare at her in amazement. “You’re a lifesaver!” I blurt out.