“Asher is a dick,” Devon told me. “But Cole is a little more social. I wouldn’t say we’re close, but we keep in touch once in a while.”

“There has to be a reason why they’re coming back,” I mused. “They could breed horses anywhere. Hell, they live in Texas.”

I was pretty sure that Devon was right. They had some unfinished business here in Montana.”

“I hope Mom isn’t disappointed if they don’t really want to communicate,” I told Devon. “I know they’re both Remingtons, but they’re not like the rest of us.”

Devon grinned. “I think she’ll figure out a way to get close to them. She always felt bad that they wouldn’t let her or Dad help them when they were young.”

“They tried hard,” I reminded my younger brother. “Just like Dad tried to help his brother. None of them wanted anything to do with us.”

“I’m not sure our uncle would allow it,” Devon pondered. “And once those two were suspected of murder by some of the people in this town, I think all they wanted to do was see Crysal Fork and their old life in the rearview mirror.”

“You’re probably right,” I agreed.

Asher and Cole hadn’t had an easy life growing up.

Looking back at the situation as an adult, I suspected that my uncle was pretty abusive, but my cousins had never admitted to that abuse. Although I knew that my father had asked them if they were being abused. Many times.

“I can’t believe you haven’t heard about the return of the black sheep Remingtons,” Devon commented. “The news has been a hot topic here for a while now.”

“I was distracted,” I said, my gaze returning to Hannah.

She was one hell of a distraction.

Neither one of us was looking back at our old relationship or the mistakes we’d made anymore.

What we had now was too damn good to be spoiled by what had happened in the past.

She’d been busy with the opening of her business, but true to her word, she’d done everything in her power to make me happy.

Hell, I still didn’t think that she realized that just seeing her face made me fucking ecstatic.

She ended her busy day at my house for dinner, and to my relief, she almost always cooked.

If she’d had to eat my cooking, she might eat at my place less often.

Hannah knew when to stop working and pay attention to the people in her life.

That was one thing that hadn’t changed about Hannah.

She had coffee in the morning with her mother at The Mug And Jug before Sweet Mornings opened, and they had lunch together at Charlie’s at least once a week.

My mother had started driving into town to have lunch with Joy and Hannah, and Hannah checked in on my mother almost as much as she did with her own mom.

Hannah and my mother had been close at one time, and I was glad to see that they were renewing that tight relationship.

Honestly, Hannah had stepped right back into the community and my family like she’d never been gone.

She treated Anna and Lauren like the sisters she’d never had.

I knew that Lauren was relieved to have another close friend in Crystal Fork since she’d just returned here after a long absence herself.

Lauren wasn’t as outgoing as Hannah and Anna, so I was glad those three were close.

Luckily, Hannah’s mother had easily accepted the fact that Hannah and I were back together.

In fact, she seemed to approve, and she was treating me no differently than she had when Hannah and I were engaged.