There was no way in hell I was going to let her go unless that was exactly what she wanted.

“Hello?” Devon said like I was a simpleton. “We have an important meeting shortly. Text her or call her. And then get your ass to the meeting. This acquisition is important to you. You know she’s headed back to work right now anyway. You’ll see her tonight.”

Would I see her tonight?

I’d basically blown her off earlier.

Hell, yes, I’d see her.

I’d text as soon as I got my head on straight, but I’ddefinitelysee her tonight.


“Are you okay, Hannah?” Reese queried quietly as she stopped at my open office door.

I looked up from my computer and plastered a smile on my face. “I’m good. Why?”

“You’re really quiet,” she said as she stepped into my office. “And when you got back from Billings, you looked like you’d been crying.”

Reese and I were close, and I considered her my friend.

We spent at least eight hours a day together in the office, and we talked and hung out as friends. At first I’d done it because she was alone here in Crystal Fork. Now, I spent time with her because I honestly cared about her.

Luckily, Lauren and Anna adored Reese, too, so we all hung out together when we could.

Reese was easy to talk to, and she was so empathetic. I didn’t really want to lie to her, and there wasn’t much she didn’t know about my life.

“Tanner told me that he wanted to marry me,” I said.

“And that made you cry?” she asked, sounding confused.

“Everything makes me want to cry right now,” I confessed. “I don’t know what in the hell is wrong with me.”

I could cry for no apparent reason these days.

“Are you still queasy?” she asked. “I know your stomach was bothering you this morning.”

“I’m better,” I shared. “Maybe I was just a little nervous about the meeting with the contractors.”

“Hannah, this has been happening to you every morning for a few weeks now. I think you should see a doctor,” Reese said gently. “Are you and Tanner getting married?”

“No,” I said as my eyes welled up with tears. “I was so shocked when he mentioned getting married that I couldn’t really respond to him right away. Reese, he’s never even told me that he loved me, and I haven’t said those words yet. The comment just happened out of the blue. By the time I was ready to talk, he’d already taken my lack of response wrong. I think we just broke up.”

“Oh, Hannah,” Reese answered in a soothing voice. “There’s no way that man just broke up with you. He’s crazy about you. Everyone can see that. I think it was just a misunderstanding. Do you want to marry him?”

I nodded and swallowed hard to get the lump out of my throat. “There’s no one else for mebutTanner. I tried to date once or twice in Seattle, but it never felt right, and it went nowhere. Any guy I met would never be right for me because I was still in love with Tanner. I finally gave up on dating altogether.”

“Then just tell him you want to marry him,” Reese suggested.

“I tried. He blew me off,” I said wistfully.

“He was defensive because you didn’t immediately sayyes,” she concluded.

“I think so,” I said thoughtfully. “But he was so nonchalant about the whole thing. It stung. That’s why I was crying.”

Tanner’s reaction had hurt, and I’d been sure he was breaking up with me.

After I’d thought about it, I wasn’t so sure.