Hell, Devon was probably right.

Dad had been a quiet man, but he’d believed in soulmates, love, and romance. The romance had never stopped for my parents.

“Mom loved Dad enough to marry him,” I reminded Devon.

“Come on, Tanner,” Devon said in a pissed off voice. “Do you really believe that Hannah doesn’t love you? She went out of her way to bring you food because she knows you don’t eat when you’re stressed out. Who does that? It’s the little things sometimes that tell you that someone loves you. Did she actually tell you that she didn’t want to marry you?”

I thought for a minute. “Not exactly. She said she wasn’t expecting me to talk about that. It sounded like anoto me. She didn’t even know what to say.”

“Maybe because you did everything ass backwards,” he said unhappily. “Give her some time to digest the whole marriage thing. She did plan one marriage that never happened because you couldn’t commit to a date. Maybe she had a kneejerk reaction. Give her some time to digest the fact that you want that now, and for fuck’s sake, set a date when you ask her next time. And tell her that you love her before you pop the question. I know you put the past behind you, but it may bite you in the ass occasionally.”

I stopped eating and put my fork on the plate. “I didn’t really think about that. I’ve always wanted to marry Hannah.”

“I know. We lost our minds for a while. She forgave you for that, Tanner. Cut her some slack. Your comment obviously came out of nowhere. You probably surprised the crap out of her.You’re reacting defensively right now because you can’t imagine your life without Hannah anymore. I’m not sure you ever could, which is why you refused to talk about it when you broke up.”

I’d actually closed off that part of my life until I was ready to deal with it.

Apparently, I’d never wanted to deal with the fact that Hannah was gone.

“If she wasn’t trying to break up,” I mused. “Then why was she crying?”

Devon shrugged. “I don’t have that answer. You’ll have to ask her. You obviously hurt her in some way, but she wasn’t crying because she wants to break up. Were you honestly planning on just letting her walk away?”

“I was a little cold. It was a stupid, defensive reaction,” I admitted. “But hell, no, I don’t plan on letting her go. That’s not possible unless she tells me to my face to fuck off.”

After I had thought about it for a while, I would have sought Hannah out, tried to get answers from her.

Maybe I did get defensive because I’d been hurt by her reaction, but I’d always find Hannah because that was just what I did now.

I couldn’t know that she was on the same planet with me without looking for her and finding her now.

If she didn’t want to marry me right now, I’d fucking wait until she did.

I’d probably been waiting for years for her to come back into my life somehow.

I could just wait until she was ready to marry my sorry ass.

She hadn’t really broken up with me.

Like an idiot, I’d just refused to let her talk because I wasn’t ready to hear that she didn’t want to get married.

“I was a prick,” I admitted to Devon.

“I figured,” he replied. “In all fairness, she did leave you once without a word. I think it makes sense that you’re afraid it will happen again.”

“Maybe subconsciously,” I answered. “But realistically, that’s not going to happen. Hannah is a different woman now, and she had her reasons back then. She’d force me to listen to her.”

“And you’re a different guy,” Devon reminded me. “You would listen to her.”

“I’ll fix this,” I vowed to Devon.

“Give her some time,” he encouraged. “She looked pretty upset.”

“Which is exactly why I’m going to find her,” I told him.

I was over that ridiculous reaction I’d had just a short time ago.

I’d handle whatever Hannah had to say, and I’d work with it.