I looked back from the group Hannah was in to find Devon scrutinizing Reese like she was a specimen under a microscope.
I knew that look.
I’d seen it every time Devon was trying to figure out a problem.
“Something wrong with Reese?” I asked Devon.
He shook his head slowly as he averted his gaze from the pretty, auburn haired woman. “There’s something that isn’t adding up about that woman,” he said suspiciously. “And for some reason, she hates me.”
I smirked. That probably pissed him off because Devon could charm almost anyone when he chose to do it.
“Hannah loves her,” I told him. “And I happen to like her, too. She’s a hard woman not to like.”
“Have you ever wondered why she’d take a job in a place where she has no family or ties? She moved from the city to the middle of nowhere in Montana. There’s something wrong with that,” Devon said with suspicion clouding his tone.
I shrugged. “She said she has no close family. It doesn’t seem that strange to me that she wanted a change.”
“In Crystal Fork, Montana? I think she has secrets,” he said seriously. “I don’t like it. I’m going to figure out exactly what they are.”
Devon’s gaze flitted back to Reese, and I chuckled. “You’re being paranoid because you can’t charm her into submission. Are you attracted to her?”
He sent me a frustrated look. “Are you serious? She’s probably at least a decade younger than I am.”
While it was true that Devon generally hooked up with women his age or even a little older, that didn’t mean that he couldn’t be attracted to Reese.
Normally, he preferred women that didn’t want entanglements and were married to their careers.
Reese was a sweet, quiet woman that seemed to be a lot more balanced.
“She’s attractive,” I said, trying to pry information out of my younger brother.
“She’s a pain in my ass,” Devon said in an almost hostile voice. “And she’s evasive about her former life in the city.”
I laughed because the woman had obviously gotten under Devon’s skin, and I’d never seen that happen. “I think you’re just annoyed that you can’t charm her, and she won’t tell you everything you want to know. She’s entitled to her privacy, Devon. She doesn’t know you.”
“I’ll get to know her,” he vowed. “Hannah is like a sister to me. If she’s getting close to Hannah, Anna, and Lauren, I want to know what she’s hiding.”
I grinned as I watched Devon continue to glare at Reese.
I’d never seen my brother get riled up by any woman, and it was highly amusing to watch.
Women didn’t ignore Devon.
They generally fell at his feet.
It was interesting to see a woman who didn’t fall for any of Devon’s bullshit for a change.
“Hi, Hannah,” Tanner’s secretary said with a smile as I walked into his office in Billings with a bag of Italian food in my arms.
I’d only met his secretary a few times when I’d stopped by Tanner’s office, but she was a friendly, jovial, older woman that had always greeted me with enthusiasm.
“Hi, Joyce,” I answered and nodded at the door to Tanner’s office. “Is he in?”
She nodded. “He said he didn’t want to be disturbed. I was just about to leave for lunch. His brothers went to get something to eat, but he wouldn’t leave his office today. They have a meeting late this afternoon on one of Tanner’s acquisitions. You probably know how he is when he’s trying to close something that’s important to him.”
I did, which was exactly why I was here.