“It’s a damn shame when a man can’t control his dick long enough to make it last,” he said gruffly. “But I knew the first time was going to be quick for me.”
I stroked my hand over his ripped abdominal muscles.
I almost reminded him that it wasn’t even close to our first time, but I didn’t.
Really, it almostfeltlike our first time, even though we’d been together for a lot of years.
Thingsweredifferent between us.
“I don’t know,” I teased. “It was pretty mind blowing for me. Have I told you that you’re the hottest man on the planet? Times a thousand?”
“No,” he said, amused. “But I wouldn’t mind hearing that every day.”
“Then I’ll tell you that every day, too,” I promised.
My heart ached that Tanner would probably never see himself like I did.
Not long ago, he’d told me that he’d always felt like he was the boring Remington brother because he wasn’t as engaging or as handsome as his siblings.
He hadn’t said that without an iota of jealousy or envy.
To him, it was just a fact.
In my eyes, Tanner was the hottest Remington brother and always had been.
It drove me crazy sometimes because Tanner couldn’t see just how extraordinary he was or how some of his qualities were absolutely irresistible.
“Thank you,” I said softly.
He stroked a hand over my bare arm. “For what exactly?”
“So many things. For being such an incredible man. For giving me this night that I’ll never forget. For helping me with a business that means something to me, even though it’s small compared to what you’re used to doing. For being so thoughtful.” In a more teasing voice, I added, “And for the most amazing sex of my life.”
“Was it that incredible?” he asked. “And you know I should have—”
I put my fingers over his lips. “Yes, it was. And I’m done talking about the past. This is us now, Tanner, and you’rethe best boyfriend a woman could ever dream of having.Thisrelationship is new and different, and after that interlude, I’m completely addicted to you.”
I was relieved when he rolled me onto my back and came on top of me with a grin. “I’m glad you feel that way, because I’ve been addicted to you for weeks now. It’s definitely different. You’ve gotten sassier and bolder as you’ve gotten older.”
I smiled up at him. “Are you complaining, because if you are then you’re out of luck. I was young, had zero self-confidence, and was a little messed up back then. Now I know exactly what I want, and I’m looking at his handsome face right now.”
“Hell, no, I’m not complaining,” he answered huskily. “It’s sexy as fuck. Feel free to undress any time you feel like it.”
“Now that I’ve had a taste of that hot body of yours, you might regret that invitation,” I joked.
He shook his head. “I’ll never regret it. I adore you, Hannah. I hope you already know that, but I’m leaving nothing to chance anymore.”
I had an almost irresistible urge to tell him that I loved him, but I bit those words back because it was probably too soon to talk about love.
But I did love him with every breath in my body.
I’d probably always loved Tanner, even when we weren’t together, but the way I felt now was almost overwhelming.
In the past, there had probably always been a part of myself that I’d held back, the messed up part that I hadn’t wanted Tanner to know about.
Now, there was nothing I couldn’t share with him because I wasn’t afraid of my emotions and the way that I felt anymore.
I didn’t feel like there was something wrong with me.