It was so decadent that I did lick the spoon.
Several times.
“Hannah,” Tanner said in a warning growl.
“What?” I said innocently. “You told me to lick the spoon if it was good. It was heavenly.”
“I changed my mind,” he said. “You’re driving me crazy.”
I smiled as I realized that he was imagining something a little more carnal than chocolate ganache.
He was looking at me like he wanted to devourmein place of dessert.
A thrill of anticipation shot through my body. It had been so damn long since I’d seen that particular look.
My body ached with longing, and knowing that Tanner wanted me with the same desperation made me completely insane.
My hand shook just a little as I put the spoon on my empty plate. “Then I guess I won’t have another one,” I said teasingly to try to dispel the sexual tension between the two of us.
“Do it,” he grunted. “I’ll probably enjoy watching, but I might lose it.”
Tanner and I had always been flirty, especially in the beginning of our relationship.
But we’d lost some of that in the last two years of our relationship when he’d started to get preoccupied with KTD’s success, and it hadneverfelt like this.
I was definitely falling in love with the new Tanner all over again, and it almost felt like a brand new relationship that was so much deeper than it had ever been before.
Maybe I’d been too mentally unhealthy to completely let him in before, but I was wide open and vulnerable now.
It was both scary and exhilarating at the same time.
However, I wasn’t going to put up a wall to block those emotions.
I wanted to feel Tanner.
I wanted to experience that kind of intensity in our relationship.
“I’ll spare you,” I said in a sensual voice I didn’t recognize. “This time.”
He sent me a heated look of warning that told me that I’d pay if I kept pushing him.
Scorching heat flooded between my thighs as I held his gaze, telling him silently that I’d welcome that kind of punishment.
I wasn’t a woman who was going to back down from this kind of heady sexual banter anymore.
It was way too intoxicating for a woman who hadn’t been attracted to another man since I’d separated from Tanner.
That intimate moment was broken when the waiter came to ask if our dessert was acceptable.
When Tanner told the man it was the best he’d ever had and then winked at me, I had to stifle a laugh.
It was probably shockingly inappropriate in our current setting, but I loved the fact that Tanner didn’t seem to give a damn.
I didn’t openly laugh until later, when Tanner did, in fact, grab two hot dogs on the way to the theater.
When I refused to eat one, he devoured both of them like a man who hadn’t just eaten a gazillion course meal at one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city.
The rest of the night was magical, filled with laughter and romance.