“Only because I had to learn,” he answered. “I do business dinners, and it’s probably become habit for me. I don’t do these restaurants for pleasure most of the time because it’s not really my thing, either. I like being fed great food in large portions. I’ll probably grab a hot dog on the way to the theater tonight. I usually have to get something more substantial after a dinner like this.”
A startled giggle left my lips before I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop it.
I was full, but I could see why Tanner might not be.
The man had a huge appetite.
“Did you really do that?” I asked.
“Every single time,” he said.
“Then why are we here?” I questioned curiously.
“It’s an experience you deserve,” he replied seriously. “Only the best for my woman.”
My heart squeezed inside my chest, and I wanted to fly over the table and kiss him.
This obviously wasn’t exactly his scene, either, yet he’d wanted me to experience the best that New York could offer.
“Thank you,” I said in a heartfelt tone. “The food has been a gastronomical delight. It’s my first time dining like this. I guess I was just a little nervous about making mistakes.”
My entire body relaxed as I realized my fear was all about embarrassinghim.
This was Tanner’s world now, and I’d wanted to fit in.
I wasn’t a sophisticated woman.
Most men with his wealth probably didn’t date beauticians whose idea of elegant was eating at a nice Italian restaurant with a huge plate of pasta.
“If I’d known it was going to make you nervous, I would have taken you to a different restaurant,” he grumbled. “One that serves gigantic portions of good food without the pretentiousness.”
“No,” I said immediately. “This was an experience, Tanner. Something I’ve never done before. It means a lot to me that you wanted me to experience this, and the food is something I’ll never forget.”
“Even if you barely got to taste it,” he teased.
“Absolutely,” I answered, completely relaxed.
I viewed this dinner much differently now.
Tanner had wanted this to be a food experience forme.
He didn’t give a damn if I ate like a woman who wasn’t used to being treated like royalty.
All he cared about was making this evening special.
I suddenly realized that Tanner would give me the world on a platinum platter if I wanted it simply to make me happy.
My nervousness I’d experienced was completelymyissue.
This world wasn’t the way he lived his life, but he’d learned to adapt because of his enormous wealth and his business.
I didn’t have to fit into this world because the real Tanner was the same small town guy I saw every single day.
Maybe he did wear that custom suit like he was born to it, but he was still the thoughtful man I’d come to adore.
Our dessert was presented with aplomb.
I picked up whatever spoon I wanted and savored those two bites.