Damned if her words hadn’t made me feel like the king of the world.

I decided I liked feeling that way, and that she was going to have a lot more to cherish in the future.


“So what do you think of the food?” Tanner asked as the waiter walked away for moment.

We were on our millionth course, or at least it felt like it.

“It’s exquisite,” I replied honestly. “But the service is a little over the top. It’s almost uncomfortable. I’m not quite sure it’s my thing.”

He cocked a brow. “What do you mean?”

God, I probably shouldn’t have said that, but Tanner and I were making it a point to be honest with each other.

Most women would kill to be in my place right now.

It was one of the most elegant and expensive restaurants in New York, but I hadn’t loosened up since we’d sat down.

And Tanner and I hadn’t been able to speak in private until this moment.

I wasn’t used to people catering to my every need and hovering over me to anticipate those needs. And the protocol for a fancy dinner like this was out of my wheelhouse.

Luckily, Tanner had handled the wine pairings. I really liked wine, but I wasn’t versed in expensive vintages and years.

I felt awkward.

I probably should have looked up the etiquette for fine dining.

The silverware was a total mystery to me.

I’d already used the wrong utensil for one of my courses, and our waiter had looked slightly horrified before he’d recovered quickly like the professional he was.

I’d also offered to use the same fork for the next course, and the same waiter had quickly picked up that fork, placed it on my plate, and hastily taken it to the kitchen like it was a faux pas to use the same fork twice.

Finally, I’d just decided to watch what Tanner did so I didn’t make any further mistakes.

I’d heard about this restaurant of course, but I’d never known it was this complicated to eat a meal here.

This was also the longest meal I’d ever eaten. The small bites were delicious, but I wondered if it wouldn’t be wiser to bring them all so we could consume them faster.

“Don’t get me wrong,” I reassured him. “The food is probably the best I’ve ever eaten, but I’m not sure when these courses will end, and I don’t know the etiquette of fine dining like this. The silverware thing is confusing. And it’s a little weird to have someone hovering over me all the time. And each course is just a bite or two. Do you do this often?”

Tanner smiled like he was highly amused. “Not often,” he shared. “But I got used to it since I dine so much with wealthy business owners. I’m a guy who would rather dig into my meal because I’m usually starving. Relax. Enjoy the food. You’re the customer, and the customer is always right. Eat with whatever silverware you want. The waiter can bring you more silverware.”

Easy for him to say.

The waiter wasn’t looking athimlike he was an alien from another planet who ate like a barbarian.

Truthfully, people treated Tanner like he was a god.

Other than the few weird looks I’d gotten, the waiter had treated me like a princess, too, because I was obviously close to one of the richest men in the world.

I took a deep breath and tried to relax.

Tanner was right.

He was paying a lot of money for this meal.