“Christ!” Tanner swore. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. Forget I said anything.”
I shook my head and reached out to grab a fistful of his pristine, custom shirt.
I pulled him closer to me, and he certainly didn’t resist.
I closed my eyes and savored the feel of his warm breath on my lips before I said, “It’s been killing me, too. I want to be with you, Tanner. I trust you, but I was afraid of ruining what we’ve gained in the last several weeks.”
A powerful arm wrapped around my waist to pull me against his massive body before he lowered his mouth to mine.
Tanner kissed me like a man possessed, and I relished every second of it.
My hands speared into his hair, absorbing the intimacy like I needed it to keep on living.
Tanner and I had always had an explosive chemistry, but this time it was different. That chemistry was still there, but it was much more…intense.
The embrace was desperate.
It felt like he wanted to possess me, and God, I really wanted to let him take everything he wanted and more.
Probably because I felt the same way, and I couldn’t get close enough to this man to satisfy that longing.
When he finally let me come up for air, I was panting, and my heart was racing like it was going to pound out of my chest.
“I can’t seem to go slow when it comes to you,” he said huskily. “But I’ll try. Tell me you’ll go with me to New York. I want you all to myself for a few days, Hannah. I’m not asking you to sleep with me, and I’m not asking for more than you want to give. I just want to be with you.”
My heart squeezed so painfully that it physically hurt.
I let out a long sigh as he rearranged our bodies until I was leaning back against the front of his body with my head resting on his shoulder.
I’d get Tanner naked without a second thought, but maybe he was right.
Maybe it was too soon for that.
My body didn’t think so, but my head said we’d barely gotten to know each other again.
“I want to go,” I answered honestly. “I want to spend that time with you, too.”
I felt his body physically relax. “Then it will be our first date.”
I opened my mouth to tell him that we’d had our first date a long time ago, but I closed it again.
Really, it was a first date for us.
I was different.
He was different.
This relationship felt different.
I was probably more giddy than I’d felt when we’d first met.
So, it was a first date for us.
“It’s a little fancier than our real first date.”