I can’t just stand outside like an idiot.
People around me were starting to stare and put the pieces together as to why I was hesitant to enter the bakery.
Hannah Griffin had been out of my life for over seven years.
We meant nothing to each other anymore.
It’s not like we can avoid each other forever.
From what I’d heard, she was back in Montana for good, and I wasn’t going anywhere.
It would be helpful if seeing her didn’t faze me anymore, but I’d be lying to myself if I tried to say that some of the memories of us didn’t still haunt me just a little.
I gritted my teeth and headed toward the door of Sweet Mornings, determined not to let the fact that Hannah was here completely ruin my day.
My heart sank to my feet when I saw Tanner enter Sweet Mornings.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
He stood in line behind the family I was currently serving, and it didn’t look like he was about to leave because I was the one working the counter this morning.
What in the hell was Tanner Remington doing here?
He’d never frequented the donut shop.
He was more likely to go to The Mug And Jug for coffee and a cinnamon roll, or to Charlie’s for breakfast.
I tried to keep my composure as I checked out the customers in front of him, keeping a smile plastered on my face as I gave them their change.
Don’t panic, Hannah. This isn’t a big deal.
I could serve him just like I took care of other customers.
Unfortunately, as the previous customers left and Tanner stepped forward, itfeltlike a very big deal.
Sweet Mornings was essentially a small storefront with bakery cases and a small baking kitchen in the back room.
The place was way too small for the likes of Tanner Remington.
It felt like his huge presence sucked all of the oxygen from the small space.
My heart literally ached as I turned my fixed smile toward him.
Dammit!I hated the way that Tanner’s muscular body and gorgeous face could still get to me.
“Tanner,” I acknowledged because doing anything else would be ridiculous. “What can I get for you?”
I could hardly pretend that he was a stranger.
The two of us had a past that spanned over seven years together.
“I need some donuts,” he said in that deep baritone that made my female hormones stand at attention.
I froze for a moment, transfixed because it had been so many years since I’d actually heard that sexy voice of his.
He was dressed casually in jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt just like I was, and he looked so good to me that my heart tripped.