I couldn’t say that we were dating.

But I couldn’t say that we were just friends, either.

Tanner and I were somewhere in between.

Was it really possible that Tanner was waiting for me to decide what I wanted?


In Helena, I had been a little uncertain about whether we could have a romantic relationship again.

I also remembered him mentioning that he was letting me decide if I was ready for that.

Lauren put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “I don’t think it’s possible for you to screw things up with Tanner unless you decide to start seeing someone else.”

I was about to tell her that would never happen when the nail technician arrived at the door of the quiet room to pick us up, abruptly ending our conversation.

Over the last few weeks, I knew I’d started to fall in love with Tanner Remington all over again.

Maybe there had never been anyoneexceptTanner Remington for me, either.


“I’m surprised that you actually accepted my invite to have dinner,” Devon said drily. “I was sure you and Hannah had become attached at the hip.”

I was prepared to dig into my chicken fried steak that had just been delivered to our table at Charlie’s when I grumbled, “Hannah and Lauren went to the spa in Billings today. They’re going to stop to have some dinner there.”

“So I’m your backup plan?” he asked jokingly.

“Basically, yes,” I shot back. “Mom ate already, and Kaleb is out of town with Anna. And Hannah and I are not attached at the hip. We don’t spend every night together.”

To my regret, we’d missed a few nights together in the last three weeks.

Devon grinned as he picked up his burger. “Okay,almostevery night. Not that I blame you. She’s a lot prettier than I am. How are things going between the two of you?”

“Good,” I said with shrug. “Her business is almost up and running.”

He frowned. “I’m not asking about business, Tanner. I’m talking about you and Hannah. I’ve seen the two of you together. We all have. It’s blatantly obvious that you’d like a lot more than a business arrangement or a friendship. Sometimes you look almost desperate for a whole lot more. Your balls must be bright blue by now.”

Hell, I was hoping I wasn’tthatobvious.

Getting myself off every night wasn’t working for me.

It didn’t even take the edge off for me anymore.

My dick was hard the moment I saw Hannah, and that condition didn’t stop until she was long out of sight.

“I’ll handle the blue balls as long as necessary,” I told him. “I want a lot more than a bed partner with Hannah, and I’ll get that, eventually.”

Devon looked up from his food. “How much more?”

I’d talked to Kaleb and Devon about Hannah, but I’d avoided telling them exactly where I wanted our relationship to go.

“Everything,” I said huskily as I met Devon’s inquisitive gaze. “I’m getting her back. Hannah was always meant to be mine.”

I knew that with every breath I took.

I just wasn’t exactly certain how to accomplish that goal.