“I think you’re crazy,” I muttered to Lauren.
“And I think you’re in denial,” she said with an amused chuckle. “Tell him you’re completely ready for a romantic relationship with him, and he’ll pull out all the stops to get you back. I think he’s just waiting until he thinks he’s made up for some of the crap he’s done to you in the past. I guess the question is…do you want him back, too? I have zero doubts about what Tanner wants. I’ve known him for a long time. Hedoesn’t talk about it to me, but he seems so happy when he’s with you, like he’s finally exactly where he wants to be.”
“We forgave each other for all of the things that happened in the past,” I told her. “We’ve started over.”
Lauren shook her head. “I don’t think he’ll let go of that until he knows that you trust him. That takes time.”
“We’re just getting to know each other again,” I said.
“I think it’s good that you’re taking your time,” Lauren replied. “He did hurt you, Hannah. I know you’re starting over, but those wounds needed time to heal. You needed to get to know Tanner again because he’s changed. But if you decide that you’re willing to trust him completely, you’re totally screwed. That man will do anything for you. I don’t think there’s ever been anyone for himbutyou, and he knows he took your relationship for granted. He’s not going to screw that up again if you give him another chance.”
“We can never go back,” I said earnestly. “I was a different woman seven years ago.”
Lauren took a deep breath. “I know I’m not a person who should be giving advice on relationships, but I know Tanner. He is like a brother to me. You’re right. Things would be different. You’re different people. But is that really a bad thing? You spent a lot of time sacrificing your own needs for Tanner’s ambitions back then.” She held up a hand as I started to object. “Hear me out. I know Tanner didn’t insist you do that, but you wanted to see him happy, and you willingly put a lot of his needs and wants first without much compromise. I honestly don’t think it would be all bad if you had something new and better than it was before. In fact, I don’t think Tanner will do it any other way now.”
I sighed instead of arguing.
In a lot of ways, she was correct.
I’d lost some of myself in our old relationship, which wasn’t Tanner’s fault.
It was mine.
“I let myself get caught up in his success,” I explained. “I wanted him to be happy.”
“I understand that,” Lauren answered. “You’re a giving person, Hannah, but it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. Let Tanner give back. I know he’s very willing and able to do that. Take what he’s offering and know that he wants to do it because he cares. It’s really just that simple. Take all the time you need to be sure of what you want. Believe me, Tanner is going to be there when and if you’re ready.”
I shook myself back to reality.
The truth was, Tanner hadn’t shown me anything but friendship since that night in Helena.
“I’m not sure that Tanner really wants a romantic relationship,” I said hesitantly.
“Because he hasn’t made a move on you?” she queried.
I nodded slowly.
“Anyone who knows him can see what he wants. Everyone except you. If you make one move to show him what you want, he’ll be all over that. I don’t think he wants to push you, but that man is getting desperate.”
I snorted. “Are you telling me to seduce him?”
“I don’t think you need to do that,” Lauren said drily. “Tell him you want him and that you trust him, and it’s over. No seduction necessary.”
“We’ve gotten close over the last few weeks,” I murmured. “I don’t want to screw that up.”
Tanner and I saw each other every day, on both a professional and a personal level.
We spent almost every evening together, and he made sure we left some time to play on the weekends. He’d insisted on it.
I cooked because I liked to cook.
He helped clean up.
We’d talked about anything and everything on those evenings and weekends together.
I’d gotten to the point where I longed to see his handsome face every day.
I wasn’t sure what I’d do if things suddenly changed for us.