I’d been working long days recruiting some basic contractors in the most important cities in Montana.

All of the structure was in place.

The most important things in my future were branding, bringing in new contractors, and advertising to make the business fly.

“This was all Tanner’s idea,” I reminded Lauren. “Personally, I thought I was way too busy to spend a day at the spa. But Tanner found out that I did a spa day on a routine basis in Seattle to manage my job stress. The next thing I knew, he’d arranged for us to go to a spa day because he thought I was working too hard.”

I’d balked at the idea, but Tanner hadn’t takennofor an answer.

Anna was out of town, or she’d definitely be with us today.

I had gotten closer to Lauren and Anna over the last three weeks, and I valued those blossoming relationships more than they’d ever know.

They’d both been so supportive of my new business.

Their expertise in economics, branding, and marketing were invaluable when I wanted to pick their brains for information.

Lauren let out a contented sigh. “I think it’s one of the best ideas Tanner has ever had. I already feel so much better since you started giving me your beauty advice, and this pushes my wellness right over the top.”

I turned my head and smiled at Lauren.

She looked amazing.

She had always been an attractive woman, even though she’d never saw that in herself.

Honestly, it wasn’t the makeup, new hair, or her weight loss that was actually making her glow.

It was the newfound confidence that she was radiating that made a difference.

That was the funny thing about wellness and feeling like you were the best version of yourself physically.

It helped boost your mental perception of yourself, too.

That was probably why I enjoyed what I did so much.

Genetics and the beauty a woman had gotten by the luck of the genetic draw wasn’t really important, but feeling like you were putting your best face forward could be life-changing for a woman. No matter what a woman had gotten in the genetic lottery.

“I’m a firm believer in spa days,” I told Lauren honestly. “Women don’t take the time for self-care in a world where they desperately need it, physically and mentally. It’s always been a mood booster for me.”

“I think I get that after today,” she said as she smoothed down her white spa robe and sipped at her water. “I think I’ll be a regular here now. That facial and the massage were amazing.”

She was right, and I was now thankful that Tanner had insisted on this spa day.

I’d forgotten what it was like to take care of myself.

I’d been too busy stressing over my mom and my future in Crystal Fork to even think about revisiting a spa.

“We’ll make a promise to remind each other that we need to do this,” I told her. “We’ll drag Anna with us next time.”

“She was bummed that she couldn’t come,” Lauren mentioned.

“I just feel bad that Tanner insisted on paying,” I said unhappily.

Lauren shot me a puzzled look. “Why? Tanner is richer than a god, and he really likes treating people to things they love.”

I shook my head. “I’m just so used to taking care of myself.”

Lauren let out an amused snort. “You haven’t realized that Tanner thinks he’s the caretaker of everyone he cares about? I’m used to taking care of myself, too, but you’ll eventually have toaccept that Tanner is…Tanner. I gave up on that battle a long time ago. Since he became a billionaire, his favorite thing is to give everyone what he thinks they need, regardless of the cost. You’re lucky that he hasn’t bought you a house or a new vehicle yet. Yes, it’s exasperating at times, but I finally realized that it actually makes him happy. He feels like he’s doing something to help the people he cares about, and he expects nothing in return. I only argue with him now if it’s something extreme, like my new house. He’s still a little pissed off that I wouldn’t let him pay for it outright for me. But he’s done so much to help me in the past that I flatly refused. I make more than enough money to pay for it.”