I had to force myself not to smile.
Fuck!I loved her persistence and stubbornness, even though it could be annoying when I wanted something.
This was part of the new Hannah, and it was intriguing because she’d never been this obstinate or business minded before.
Part of me wanted to just agree if it made her happy, but I had no desire to take away what should be hers.
“Four,” I rumbled.
She shot me an irritated look. “That’s not negotiating or meeting in the middle,” she complained.
“Sweetheart, I’m Tanner Remington. Thatisthe way I negotiate, and I always get my way these days.”
She snorted. “Not with me, you won’t. That hard-ass attitude won’t fly with me. Twelve.”
Hell, if things went my way, we were going to own everything together someday.
Hannah was about to give me exactly what I wanted.
I didn’t want to press my luck.
“You’re at twelve. I’m at four. I’ll meet you in the middle. Eight. Final offer.”
She sent me a satisfied smile, like she’d gotten exactly what she’d wanted. “You’ve got a deal.”
She leaned over and kissed my cheek before she murmured, “Thank you.”
It took everything I had not to pull her gorgeous mouth to mine, but I gritted my teeth and stopped that instinct.
I wasn’t going to get what I wanted from Hannah without some fucking patience.
I’d waited close to eight years.
My dick could wait longer.
I was glad she thought I’d compromised sufficiently in this battle.
She had no idea that I was actually the winner this time.
Hannah might not know it yet, but I’d just closed the most important deal of my life.
“If I would have known going to the spa was this amazing, I would have done it a long time ago,” Lauren said as we sat in the quiet room of a day spa in Billings waiting for our pedicures.
It had been almost three weeks since Tanner and I had sealed our deal on my business, which I’d decided to name Glam Anywhere.
The business had proceeded at warp speed once we’d signed a contract.
Of course, that wasn’t difficult to do when someone had Tanner Remington as a partner.
He’d put an entire team of people on the office, the business structure, and the website development.
Surprisingly, he’d been personally involved in every step, and he hadn’t approved anything without getting my approval first.
My office was set up, all of the business details were done, and we were getting very close to launch.