I wasn’t sure I’d ever be ready to jump headfirst into another relationship with Tanner Remington, but the temptation to try it was going to be nearly impossible to resist.
“Have you thought about my business offer?” I asked Hannah as we were flying home. “Now that we’re starting over and leaving the past behind us, there’s really no reason for you to turn me down.”
She squirmed a little in the leather seat beside me, which wasn’t a good sign, but I’d decided I wasn’t takingnofor an answer anymore.
Hannah had her own dreams, and those dreams weren’t going to happen without an initial influx of capital.
She’d helped me reach my goals under much tougher circumstances.
I’d be damned if I’d let her refuse to let me do the same for her.
She didn’t answer immediately, so I continued, “I think the best solution is to let me become your angel investor. No paying me back. Just a straight percentage of the business. You’ll need all of your profits, especially in the beginning.”
“That would be completely insane,” she insisted. “You wouldn’t get paid back unless I eventually sold out.”
I shrugged. “That’s the way it works. Hannah, I do angel investing all the time, and so do my brothers. If we see a startup that has potential, we roll the dice. If that business succeeds, we have a small ownership in a very lucrative company.”
“What if the business fails?” she asked, her voice slightly panicked.
“Angel investing isn’t about the money for me,” I explained. “Some businesses succeed, some don’t. But there are a lot of worthwhile ideas that need to get off the ground and have a chance at success. I’ve made a lot more money than I’ve lost with angel investing. And your business won’t fail. With your knowledge of the industry, and my help with some of the details, itwillbe successful. If I didn’t think that was true, I would try to dissuade you.”
Okay, that statement probably wasn’t completely accurate.
I’d dump an endless amount of money into whatever she wanted without a second thought if I thought it would make her happy, but I did think the success of her company was entirely likely.
Hannah was driven and savvy. She’d already made this type of business a success, and she’d wanted to push for more, but her business partners had held her back. I trusted her knowledge of the industry. I wanted her to reach for whatever she wanted with her own business.
The roads were still good in Montana, but winter was going to hit shortly.
She couldn’t keep traveling alone across the state in the shitty weather once the snow started to fly.
Just the thought of her driving the treacherous winter highways to get to a job made me crazy.
I’d already decided Hannah was going to be mine, so everything I had was going to be hers as well, eventually.
Was I completely sure that was going to happen?
Maybe not immediately, but itwasgoing to happen.
I’d do everything in my power to regain her trust and take care of her the way I should have done years ago.
“What percentage are we talking about here?” she queried.
“Three percent for the capital you need to do the startup,” I tossed out.
She turned to me as her jaw dropped. “That’s not even rational,” she sputtered. “This business doesn’t even have an evaluation yet. Even if it did, that wouldn’t be a wise investment.”
I met her stubborn gaze with one of my own. “It’s the only offer I’m making. This isn’t about the goddamn money. We agreed to start over. You can accept the offer. The venture in Montana isn’t going to be that costly.”
She lifted a brow. “Maybe not to you. It’s a fortune to me. And if this ever goes national, I’ll probably need additional funding.”
“And I’ll be there to provide it,” I said smoothly. “We’ll figure that out when it happens. I own a property not far from Sweet Mornings. It’s the old offices of an accountant who relocated. I originally bought it for Lauren to use for her remote business, but she set up an office at home, and she prefers to work from her home office. Those offices are just sitting there empty. Using that office for your business will lower your overhead. It will also keep you close to your mom. You’ll be able to check in with her whenever you want. You’ll always have peace of mind knowing that she’s okay.”
She folded her arms over her gorgeous breasts as she inquired, “And I suppose you’re offering that office rent free?”
“Of course,” I said nonchalantly. “It’s an investment toward your future success.”