Devon hadn’t, so he had no idea how the right woman in a man’s life could be everything to him.

My relationship hadn’t worked out, but I didn’t resent the fact that my older brother’s had.

As weird as the pairing of a pop star and a billionaire from Montana might seem, Kaleb and Anna were perfect for each other.

“You’re just jealous because no woman wants to put up with your crabby ass,” Kaleb joked.

“I don’t want a woman glued to my hip every day,” Devon argued. “Being with the same woman day in and day out would make me completely insane. I happen to like my freedom.”

I wasn’t quite sure that was true.

The truth was that Devon had never found a woman who made him so obsessed that he didn’twantto be away from her.

Hell, I’d felt that way once, and having it end badly had nearly killed me.

Like Devon, I was perfectly all right with being alone now.

“We’d better head out,” Kaleb said before he drained the last of his coffee, totally ignoring Devon’s comment about women. “That chicken coop isn’t going to repair itself.”

I nodded, and then felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my jeans.

I pulled it out of my pocket and stared at the text for a moment in surprise.

“Something wrong?” Devon asked.

“It’s Mom,” I grumbled.

“She okay?” Kaleb asked, his voice concerned.

“Yeah,” I said distractedly. “She asked me to pick her up some apple fritters from Sweet Mornings before I head out to the farm.”

It was a weird request.

Number one…my mother was best friends with Joy Griffin, the woman who owned the donut shop. If she wanted donuts, she’d hop into her vehicle and get them so she could chat with Joy.

Number two…Mom loved to bake, and she always had more muffins and cookies around the house than she could eat herself.

And number three…she rarely asked one of her sons for help with anything. She was an independent woman who did whatever she wanted when she wanted to do it.

“Since when does our mother have cravings for apple fritters?” Devon questioned with a frown.

I shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll grab them, drop them off at the ranch, and meet you two out at Charlie’s farm. It’s basically on the way. Maybe that’s why she asked.”

Mom’s ranch was outside of town, essentially on the same back highway we had to take to get to Charlie’s place.

Joy Griffin was my ex-fiancée’s mother, but there had never been any hard feelings between the two of us.

Kaleb shook his head as he stood. “I still think her requestisa little odd. When is the last time Mom asked us to get donuts for her from Sweet Mornings?”

Um…the answer to that question would be…never.

“She never asks for anything,” Devon affirmed as he slid out of the booth and stood. “She’s stubborn. She does everything herself.”

I quickly texted my mother, stood up, and shoved my cell back into my pocket.

All of us dropped a hefty tip that would cover the cost of the breakfast and a large tip on the table before we headed outside.

Charlie’s was busy on Saturday morning, and there were people waiting for a table who would be more than happy that we were vacating the booth.