“Not. Happening.” My voice held a warning that would intimidate my most senior of employees.

She rolled her eyes. “I know you’re incredibly wealthy, but I’m used to paying for myself. We’re not together anymore.”

“Get used to it,” I informed her. “If we’re going somewhere together, you’re never going to pull money out of your purse.”

I didn’t have the right to take care of Hannah anymore in any other way. I’d be damned if she was going to toss me money to pay for her food.

I stood to go pay the check, and Hannah scrambled out of the booth.

“Thank you for dinner,” she said after I’d paid the bill and we’d stepped outside.

“You’re welcome.” I knew she wasn’t happy, but Hannah had known me long enough to know that I wasn’t going to change my mind about taking her money.

She could be stubborn at times, too, and I’d learned her boundaries.

Been there.

Done that.

And we’d learned to compromise.

We were past the point of arguing over things that were pointless.

“What time are we leaving tomorrow?” she asked.

I walked her to her car, which wasn’t far from my own vehicle.

“I’ll head over to your apartment after I get off work. I’ll pick you up this time,” I insisted. “There’s no point in you leaving your vehicle at the airfield.”

There was no public airport in Crystal Fork. Most people just flew out of Billings.

My brothers and I had constructed our own private airfield on a strip of land that we owned jointly. It was convenient to all of our homes.

“Okay,” she agreed easily. “I’ve never flown in a private jet. I’m kind of excited about that.”

Kaleb had been the first to purchase a private jet and helicopter. The three of us had traveled together for a while out of Billings before Devon and I had purchased our own jets and helicopters because we often had to be in different places at different times. We’d built the airstrip in Crystal Fork after Hannah and I had broken up.

She’d never had the chance to fly private with me.

I grinned. “Don’t get too excited. It’s a pretty short flight.”

She shrugged and smiled back at me. “I don’t care. It’s a first for me.”

I gritted my teeth as my dick twitched from watching her enthusiastic response.

All Hannah had to do was smile at me, and my damn cock was hard.

There was no other woman in the world who could elicit that response.

As Hannah drove away, I knew I was completely fucked with this whole friendship thing.

The problem was, when I was close to her, I had absolutely no desire to save myself from the heartache I knew was probably headed my way in the future.


“This is incredible,” I told Tanner honestly as I took a seat and fastened my seatbelt the following afternoon.

The cream leather seats and furniture were so luxurious it was ridiculous, but the bedroom, bathroom, and galley kitchen that I’d just toured were way over the top.