Yeah, the roads were still good right now, but that could change at any time.
The weather could change in Montana in the blink of an eye, and it often did.
I’d told her to cancel her bed and breakfast reservation because I had a two bedroom hotel suite.
She’d pushed back on canceling her own reservation, but I’d eventually convinced her that it would be more practical for us to stay at the same place since I planned on getting a rental car.
Okay, so I’d booked that suite on Monday night, after I’d learned more about her plans, but I hadn’t been lying.
I had, in fact, already booked the hotel before I’d asked her to cancel her reservation.
Hell, I knew I was stretching the truth, but I was fucking desperate.
There was no way she would have agreed to let me take her to Helena to avoid driving alone for a long distance at night.
Hannah pushed her empty soup bowl away and reached for her toasted turkey sandwich that had just gotten to our table moments ago. “How is our going out of town together going to improve my standing in this town?”
I grinned. “How long do you think it will take for word to get around that we left together in my jet? We’d have to be on very friendly terms for that to happen.”
She sighed. “I suppose you’re right. But I don’t want to give people the wrong idea. What if they think we’re together again because we went away for the weekend? Things are already different for me here, and it’s only been a few days. I’ve booked more appointments in this town in the last day or two than I’ve booked since I’ve been home in Crystal Fork. You probably don’t need to keep putting yourself out to be seen with me as much anymore.”
Yeah, well, I had a problem with that possibility.
I wanted to be with Hannah.
Every. Single. Fucking. Day.
Maybe I’d forgotten what it was like to be with her on a daily basis, but now that I’d been reminded what that was like, I was getting completely addicted to that feeling all over again.
Even though I’d been a dick to her at the end of our relationship, I had missed her.
Thinking back on it now, all I’d wanted was to hear Hannah’s voice when I’d called her the last time we’d talked before she’d left. Maybe I had been severely distracted by work, but I’d missed hearing her voice.
I got my wish.
I had heard her voice from Tokyo.
Unfortunately, I hadn’t really been listening to what she was saying. If I had listened, she never would have been out of my life in the first place.
I took a slug of my water to wash down a huge bite of my sandwich before I spoke. “I honestly don’t give a flying fuck what people think. The nature of our relationship is none of their business. The whole point was to let people know we didn’t have hard feelings between us. What if I told you that I want to bewith you in Helena just because it’s nice to be in your company again? I thought I’d take the bikes and we could do a bike path up Mount Ascension on Sunday. There’s no snow in the forecast.”
The brief look of excitement on her face made it worth stretching the truth about my trip to Helena.
“I’d love that,” she said with a smile that made my damn cock sit at attention. “But we weren’t planning on spending another night.”
“I’ll extend my reservation.”
All right, now I was blatantly lying. I’dalreadyreserved until Sunday.
Fuck!I hated bullshitting Hannah, but I wanted to spend time with her. She didn’t seem eager to spend more time together than necessary, even though I had offered to be a real friend to her.
I couldn’t blame her for that, but the more time we spent together, the more comfortable she seemed with me.
I didn’t want to screw that up by missing an entire weekend that I could easily be spending with her.
“Are you sure you can do that?” she asked.