“I suppose that would be better than me wolfing down the whole thing myself,” Lauren replied.

“Carbs and sugar are my downfall, too,” I shared.

We commiserated for a few minutes about how unfair it was to love food but not be able to eat many of the things we loved without putting on weight.

By the end of the long appointment, we’d found that we had a lot of other things in common, too.

I was incredibly grateful that I was going to see these two women again soon.

It was the most enjoyable appointment I’d had in a very long time.


“Do you really have a friend you’re visiting in Helena on Saturday, or are you making up that excuse to take me there?” Hannah asked as we ate dinner at Charlie’s on Thursday night.

I didn’t blame her for asking that question since I’d been persistent about spending time in her company over the last few days.

As usual, she looked beautiful without really trying.

She’d arrived at Charlie’s after doing some errands.

Her hair was slightly tousled like she’d been rushing to get here on time, and she was dressed in ass hugging jeans and a bright colored sweater.

Just like every other day that I’d seen her this week.

Hannah was big on color, the brighter the better. She’d always insisted that wearing bright colors made her dark hair and eyes less boring.

I’d always argued that her hair and eyes were gorgeous regardless, but I’d usually gotten an eye roll whenever I’dtold her that. Personally, I did think that colors suited her personality. She always looked like a bright ray of sunshine, even on the crappiest of days.

Luckily, I’d been able to see her several times this week so far.

On Monday, we’d gone grocery shopping together after work, where I’d discovered that some things about Hannah had never changed.

If I tossed crap food into my cart, which I usually did, she’d quietly take it out and replace it with something healthier. If I tried to switch them back, she’d wait until she thought I wasn’t looking, and switch them again.

It was a ritual we’d probably gone through thousands of times in the past.

I’d just forgotten how damn cute she could be when she was concerned about my health.

I’d finally grinned at her and let her mostly have her way. She hadn’t touched a few of the junk items that she knew I loved, and Iwasgetting older. I probably didn’t need to be eating like a college guy anymore.

Hannah wasn’t exactly a health food nut. She indulged in junk food, but she didn’t live on it like I did.

On Tuesday, I’d picked her up to get ice cream at the local shop in the evening because ice cream was one of her favorite things at any time of year.

Yesterday, I’d gone into work a little late because I took Hannah to The Mug And Jug early to get coffee.

She’d adamantly refused to get a cinnamon roll, but she’d ended up snagging a few bites of mine, telling me the calories didn’t count if it wasn’t her cinnamon roll.

I’d found that comment to be absolutely adorable, and I would have fed her the entire thing if she’d let me.

Tonight, I’d insisted on dinner at Charlie’s.

“I planned on going to Helena,” I hedged.

Honestly, I hadn’t planned on seeing my friend in Helena for lunch until after I’d heard that Hannah was doing a wedding there on Saturday. But it was planned now.

Helena was a long drive. She was leaving tomorrow evening so she could get up early for the wedding preparations on Saturday. That would put her on the road after dark alone. I could get her there on my private jet in a fraction of the drive time, and she wouldn’t be driving on the remote roads and highways by herself at night.