“I’m full,” my older brother Kaleb said as he handed his own empty plate to Charlie. “It was an amazing breakfast as usual, Charlie.”

“Agreed,” my younger brother Devon said as Charlie took his plate. “Thanks, Charlie.”

“No need to thank me. Breakfast is the least I can do for you three since you’re headed out to my farm to work on my chicken coop,” she said gratefully.

My brothers and I had stopped at Charlie’s restaurant for breakfast before we headed out to her farm. It was Saturday, andmy brothers and I had stopped going to our offices in Billings on the weekends unless it was an emergency a long time ago.

The older woman had a very large flock of chickens to keep her restaurant stocked with fresh eggs, and she had a large chicken coop that needed repairs before winter set in.

One of the things I liked about Crystal Fork was the way everyone stepped up to help each other when something needed to get done. There would be more people out on the farm to help, all of them willing to work until that chicken coop was like new again.

Granted, living in a small town meant that everyone knew your business, but if work needed to get done, they’d all step up to help.

Charlie was beloved by everyone in Crystal Fork. She owned the only great place to eat in town, and she treated her customers like family.

Unfortunately, she’d lost her husband to a stroke years ago, and her son lived out of state, so when Charlie needed something, she never even had to ask.

I actually enjoyed working outside after spending the week in my office, so I was always up for helping people with outside work on the weekends.

I grinned at Charlie. “You really didn’t need to bribe us with breakfast to get us to go out and work on your chicken coop.”

“Speak for yourself,” Devon quipped. “I’m never going to turn down a good breakfast here.”

Charlie beamed at my younger brother. “Like I already told you, breakfast is on the house.”

Kaleb looked like he was going to argue, but stopped himself from saying something at the last minute.

Arguing with Charlie was pointless, and we all knew it. She was sweet, but she could be as stubborn as a mule when shewanted to be. It didn’t matter to her that we were all billionaires and could definitely afford to pay for our own breakfast.

“We’ll leave a large tip,” I told Kaleb quietly as Charlie wandered away with our empty plates.

“That’s the plan,” Kaleb agreed before he took a slug of his coffee.

“What is Anna doing today while you’re working out at Charlie’s farm?” Devon asked Kaleb curiously.

Kaleb had recently married Annelise Kendrick, one of the most famous pop stars on the planet. It was probably more difficult for him to be away from home on a Saturday than it was for Devon and me because my older brother was the only one of us who was now married.

Kaleb was living in wedded bliss, and he liked being home with Anna on the weekends.

“She didn’t seem particularly disappointed that I’d be gone,” Kaleb grumbled unhappily. “She’s going to Billings with Mom later to do some shopping.”

I smirked because my brother sounded offended that his wife was making the best of her time away from him.

Truthfully, Anna was as in love with Kaleb as he was with her, but she was an independent, highly successful woman who was used to spending time on her own.

Anna had lost her own parents, and she had grown exceptionally close to our mother.

“You’ll survive for one day without her,” Devon said unsympathetically. “You two were together constantly on your honeymoon. The disgustingly sweet pictures of you two are almost nauseating. That much togetherness would drive me crazy.”

Kaleb and Anna had just returned from that honeymoon. They’d escaped to a secluded villa in Italy to maintain some oftheir privacy. People here were getting used to having a celebrity like Anna in their town, and they adored Anna as a person.

However, she was generally mobbed in other places in the US if she was recognized.

I didn’t agree with my cynical younger brother about the pictures of their honeymoon.

Kaleb and Anna had looked joyful in those pictures, and I was glad he’d found the woman who could make himthathappy.

I’d experienced a love like that at one time.