I’d always stayed in shape physically, but I wasn’t as pretty as Devon, or conventionally handsome like Kaleb.

I was a normal guy with average looks and a visible scar over my eyebrow from a hard fall off a horse when I was younger.

I was the middle Remington brother who people didn’t really notice most of the time.

And I was okay with that since I usually didn’t want to draw attention to myself.

Hannah was a stunning woman with her dark hair and mesmerizing dark eyes, and a curvy body that would make guys look twice…or several times.

She probably could have picked a better man than me in New York City to fall for, but like I’d just told my brothers, I was lucky.

She had lovedme, and she’d proven that over and over during the years we were together.

I just hadn’t been smart enough to keep appreciating her when my life spiraled out of control.

“I’ll just have to take things one step at a time,” I informed my brothers before they got up to go to their offices.

I planned on taking things slow, even though I wasn’t always a patient man when it involved something I really wanted.

But a little persistence wouldn’t hurt, as long as that persistence didn’t scare her away.


“So tell me exactly what you want,” I instructed Lauren as we sat in front of the mirror in the enormous master bathroom at Anna Remington’s house.

Anna was sitting in a chair right next to Lauren’s, waiting for the color I’d put in her hair for highlights to be finished.

I had to admit that it had been a little unnerving to be standing next to an international pop star, but Anna was so nice that I’d soon forgotten that she was a superstar.

She and Lauren had been so kind to me, and I’d really appreciated that enthusiasm and kindness since I’d rarely had that kind of reception in Crystal Fork since I’d returned here.

I’d really missed being treated like a welcome guest, and being with people who acted like they really wanted me to be here felt really good.

Lauren took a deep breath and let it out as she looked in the mirror. “I’m not sure. I just want something…different. Anna talked me into getting contacts, so I look better than I didwhen I was wearing my clunky glasses, but I want something more…sophisticated and chic. I’ve looked frumpy since I was a teenager. I’ve lost a few pounds since I got back to Crystal Fork because I’m more active here, but I hate my hair, and I suck at doing makeup. I guess I just want to feel more attractive and confident. I know I can’t really fix my boring image, but it would be nice if a guy would look at me and actually see me.”

“You are not frumpy,” I insisted. “Maybe you’re just tired of the same look. Sometimes it helps to change things up a little. How do you feel about going shorter?”

Lauren had beautiful, dark blonde hair, but it was thick and long. For as long as I’d known her, she’d usually worn it in a very long braid to keep her long hair manageable.

She also had incredible blue eyes that had been understated by her glasses, and they were stunning now that she was wearing contacts.

She’d spent a lot of years studying in college to get her doctorate degree, and she was intellectually gifted.

I had a feeling it wasn’t her looks that scared men away.

It was the fact that she was much smarter than the average guy.

In my mind, all she needed was a man who could keep up with her intelligence level, or one who wasn’t intimidated by it.

I’d do everything I could to make her feel better about herself and boost her confidence, but I certainly would never tell her to dumb herself down just to attract a man. Her intelligence was a gift, and she was perfect exactly as she was.

“I’m up for whatever you think will help this mess,” Lauren said gratefully.

I ran my fingers through the hair she’d unbraided. “I think we should highlight it, and do some layers. I’ll take some length off so you don’t feel weighed down by your hair. After we’re done,I’ll show you how to do your makeup and write down what we used so you can order it or pick it up somewhere.”

“I think that would be amazing,” Anna commented from her chair.

Lauren smiled at me in the mirror. “I’m beyond ready for this makeover.”